Re: [CSS21] response to issue 15b

* Bert Bos wrote:
>Your e-mail:
>CSS WG response:
>    Change part 4 of the CR exit criteria to read:
>    4. Features that were not in CSS1 will be dropped (thus reducing the
>    list of "all" features mentioned above) if two or more
>    interoperable implementations of those features are not found by
>    the end of the CR period.

I object to this resolution. The operative Process document clearly
outlaws such general statements and even if it were allowed, if the
Working Group is not convinced that any feature of the document will
get interoperably implemented, the document is clearly not mature
enough to issue a call for implementations. It is, for example, not
acceptable for web authors to be presented as CSS 2.1 Recommendation
without positioning, the :hover pseudo-class or media specific style
sheets; the Recommendation would be of no use to them if these features
get dropped and hence they would formally object to the advancement of
the Candidate Recommendation anyway.

Either there are specific features that require implementation
experience to determine whether they can be included in the Rec, in
which case these features must be precisely identified, or there are
no such features, in which case missing interoperable implementations
just demonstrate that there is something wrong with the specification
that requires a substantive change in order to get fixed, in which
case the document must go back to Working Draft status anyway.

I would also like to point out that changing only part four of the
proposed exit criteria would not have been satisfactory anyway, my
original issue was about part four and three.


Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2004 05:44:54 UTC