Re: [CSS21] response to issue 92

* L. David Baron wrote:
>> Pseudo-elements are attached to element type selectors or the universal
>> selector; neither of them has a notion of beeing block-level, hence the
>The quoted text is not about selector syntax.  It says where the
>pseudo-element can be created.

Interesting. I'd rather say that pseudo-elements *select* something that
already exists (if it exists) and hence "attaching" pseudo-elements can
only be something at the selector syntax level.

>(As far as I can tell, this is just a more advanced form of the same
>misconception that leads people to say "creating a class" when they mean
>"writing a selector that matches an element with a class".)

That's actually a quite accurate statement, since they invent (create)
a new class (name), add it to the document and then use it to attach
properties... A misconception though.

Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2004 17:10:04 UTC