Re: text-transform:capitalize

Ernest Cline wrote:

>On 3 Apr 2003 at 17:28, Yung-Fong wrote:
>>Puts the first character of each word in uppercase. uppercase
>>Puts all characters of each word in uppercase. lowercase
>>Puts all characters of each word in lowercase.
>>shouldn't the capitalize be
>>"Puts the first character of each word in uppercase (or titlecase if 
>>applicable) and put all the rest into lowercase."
>In my opinion, no it shouldn't. If it did, then it would take a string 
>like, "changes to CSS" and transform it to "Changes To Css" which would 
>not be the desired behavior in my opinion.
I see. So you said the current specification is clear and intentionally 
leave the rest of the characters as is. I can take that answer. (which 
mean I have one less bug to fix in mozilla :) )


Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2003 19:12:55 UTC