Re: ISSUE-16: Gathering requirements [User Interaction API]

On Oct 20, 2009, at 16:27 , David Rogers wrote:
> "
> Then there is the other side which is that the developer may wish to
> use the vibration mechanism (say, for instance, to match collisions in
> a game). This is a vibrate() API, and if the device can't vibrate then
> I expect that nothing happens (or some other error handling  
> mechanism).
> "
> [DAVID] - I would expect there to be feedback via an error to the  
> effect
> that 'the feature is not supported on the device'

Ideally the developer ought to be able to detect that vibrating is not  
available, but IMHO it shouldn't interrupt program flow. That way  
sloppy code won't cause the bad UX of the app stopping without the  
user being able to do anything about it.

Robin Berjon
   robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 16:59:22 UTC