ISSUE-34 [wsi_wsbasic] Proposed clarification for BP12002

Discussion in the WS-I Basic Profile regarding our ISSUE-34
- multiple schemas for a single namespace - led to the
conclusion that the status quo is a WSDL processor
can legitimately choose to combine multiple schemas in a 
single types section as if they were logically in a 
single schema document.

This matches actual experiences with existing databinding 
tools which either generate duplicate symbols which 
name-clash or select only one of the duplicate components, 
ignoring other definitions with the same qname.

Given our issue regards the common expectation from
WSDL authors to be able to wrap multiple schemas 
with the same targetNamespace but different components therein,
I've proposed the following as a clarification to be 
added to BP 1.1: 
The components defined by multiple schemas contained 
within a single wsdl:types section MAY be combined using a 
single XML Schema 1.0 processor and MAY therefore be 
considered to be members of a single XML Schema 1.0 
*symbol space*.

CXXXX The qualified name of a globally declared XML Schema 
component MAY be considered to be unique across all the 
globally visible components from all the XML Schemas 
introduced within a single wsdl:types section.


Note this doesn't prevent separate WSDLs from using 
different schema components with the same qname ..


Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2006 13:30:39 UTC