"ODRL Information Model 2.2" Japanese translation available

Dear Sir and Madam

This is Shuji Kamitsuna@Japan.

"ODRL Information Model 2.2" in Japanese is available now.


Thank you for the great specification!

I found some possible typos below.

Sec. 2.2.1, 2nd. Example Use Case:
     "ttp://example.com/odrl:profile:03" must be 
"http://example.com/odrl:profile:03" - The initial "h" is missing.

Sec. 2.2.2, Example Use Case:
     "can my indexed" might be "can be indexed".

Sec. 2.3.1, in the explanation of "assignee":
     "the of Rule" might be "of the Rule".

Sec. 2.5.3:
     "all of the the" must be "all of the" -  "the" is doubled.

Sec. 2.6.4, 2nd. Example Use Case:
     "assigner MUST now also compensate" - Could "assigner" be "assinee"?

Best Regards,


Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 10:46:51 UTC