Re: I18N-ISSUE-302: Unclear reference to "value space" of language tags [.prep-RDF1.1]

Internationalization Working Group Issue Tracker scripsit:

> It's not clear what "The value space of language tags is always lower
> case" means in this context. Does it means that RDF expects a mapping
> to lower case? It is not the case that language tags themselves have
> a lower case requirement or expectation.

It's XML Schema jargon, and has to do with semantically equivalent forms.
0, 00, 0.0 are distinct members of the lexical space of the XML Schema
type "decimal", but map to only one value in the value space, namely 0.
Similarly with "en-us", "en-US", "EN-US", which are distinct in the
lexical space but in the value space are all "en-us".

Principles.  You can't say A is         John Cowan <>
made of B or vice versa.  All mass
is interaction.  --Richard Feynman

Received on Thursday, 10 October 2013 19:57:03 UTC