Re: Audience proposal [and LRMI, and]

<quote name="Dan Brickley" date="2012-06-27" time="21:03:53 +0200">
> > LRMI proposal contains intendedEndUserRole property with the same purpose,
> > contaning some text (which is also a soft enum).
> Looking at this again ... in terms of "what can we do now for
> integration, while still moving quickly towards including LRMI 1.0"?
> From LRMI, as you say,
> * intendedEndUserRole The individual or group for
> which the work in question was produced. Ex: “student” Ex: “teacher”
> Would a minimalistic improvement here be, to allow intendedEndUserRole
> to also (as an alternative) point to a thing of type
> ?

I think this might make sense, or, we could do as is suggested on the
wiki page:

Create a Thing->Intangible->Audience->EducationalAudience 

That EducationalAudience could initially have a single added term on top
of what Thing provides called "educationalRole" (or similar). That
educationalRole would take a text value that specifies the specific role
that the group identified by EducationalAudience.

That would mean that anyone who has already begun marking up content
with LRMI would need to modify their markup from:

<span itemprop="intendedEndUserRole">Teacher</span>


<span itemprop="audience" itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="educationalRole">Teacher</span>

(that assumes we get rid of intendedEndUserRole in favor of the Audience

If we did what you suggest ("allow intendedEndUserRole to also (as an
alternative) point to a thing of type") what
would it look like with a Audience intangible in the place of the
intendedEndUserRole value? I might be misunderstanding some aspect of
the syntax but it would seem it would be more nested than the example I
have above? Am I missing an easy way to model that?



Greg Grossmeier
Education Technology & Policy Coordinator
twitter: @g_gerg / @greg / skype: greg.grossmeier

Received on Friday, 29 June 2012 20:59:05 UTC