High Resolution Time API and DOM events


(moving to dom list, from public-web-perf list...)

  Re: [HighResolutionTime] I wrote a suggestion about DOM events'
timestamps and the use of monotonically increasing values provided by
High Resolution Time API: 

>   However, I would love to have the chance to get a
> DOMHighResTimeStamp not only from the "now" method but also as a
> property of an ECMAScript event, like event.timeStamp. Events'
> timestamps are also subject to system clock skew and other problems
> mentioned in High Resolution Time working draft, and providing
> access to HRT when triggering events will be very helpful to
> program accurate interactions.
>   I'm not sure if this could be done adding a new property to the
> event interface (e.g., HRTimeStamp) or modifying the typedef of the
> current timeStamp property (DOMHighResTimeStamp).

Best regards,

  Pablo Garaizar Sagarminaga
  Universidad de Deusto
  Avda. de las Universidades 24
  48007 Bilbao - Spain

  Phone:       +34-94-4139000 Ext 2512
  Fax:                  +34-94-4139101

Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 11:04:03 UTC