ISSUE-2304 (refactor symbol, marker, etc): Refactor and simplify various viewport-creating elements [SVG Core 2.0]

ISSUE-2304 (refactor symbol, marker, etc): Refactor and simplify various viewport-creating elements [SVG Core 2.0]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: SVG Core 2.0

SVG 1.1 defines several viewport-creating elements, including nested <svg>, <symbol>, <marker>, which all have slightly different characteristics.  In SVG 2.0, we should consider conflating and simplifying them for ease of implementation and authoring.  For example, <symbol> and <marker> may be redefined as special cases of <svg>.

Along with this, we may consider treatment of <glyph> elements in SVG fonts, and various ways <use> works along with @marker (markers currently don't have a shadow tree).

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2010 21:41:15 UTC