HTML5: The Markup Language - section 5 suggestions

This comment is about
W3C Editor’s Draft 1 February 2010

1) I think, this draft is really a progress concerning
understandability for authors of (X)HTML5 documents,
compared to the 'vocabulary and API draft'.

2) In the table of contents, section 5, several elements
are indicated as 'NEW' or 'CHANGED', but this seems
to be incomplete, for example elements like 
article, embed, footer (...?) are new too and due to
removed attributes or a changed content model some
elements are changed too, such as object, dl/dt/dd (...?),
but not indicated as such. I think, this needs some more
careful exploration, what is new and what is changed
compared to what (recommendation HTML4.01? XHTML1.0? 

3) I think, because 
'This specification describes the HTML language and provides details 
necessary for producers of HTML content to create documents that 
conform to the language.' 
it would be pretty helpful for authors to group together elements
in meaningful subsections (forms, lists, tables, meta information,
multimedia, structure, phrasing, ruby, quotations, etc) instead of 
listing them in alphabetical order.
Such an approach has big advantages for authors to understand the
purpose and the application of elements and could result in a draft with
a comparable usability as for example recommendations like HTML4,
SMIL1,2,3, SVG1.1, SVG tiny 1.2, CSS2.0 etc.


Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2010 10:20:02 UTC