Re: new draft of Interoperability section


I tried to address this issue within the following paragrah of section  
'What are the main issues?' with the idea of pointing out a question  
in a few words as possible:
"Legal frameworks, as in the case of the European Union, may introduce  
a degree of complexity because of distinction between standards coming  
from national, EU or international standardization bodies (CEN,  
CENELEC, ETSI, ISO, ?) and those coming from other for a or industry  
consortia (W3C, OASIS, IETF,...).  It results also that the core of  
standards for eGovernment services may be coming from this second  
group. To sort this out that's why the terms 'standards' and  
'specifications' are used in this environment."

This question as many other within this interoperability section could  
require longer development and explanations but I tried in this darft  
to control the extension of the text to mainatain a balance with the  
rest of the note.

Best regards,
Miguel A.

"Jose M. Alonso" <> escribió:

> El 24/04/2009, a las 16:47, Jose M. Alonso escribió:
>> All,
>> I'm attaching a new draft of the Interoperability section. Miguel  
>> has developed this one on top of Oscar's FPWD text and taking into  
>> account open issues around the topic.
>> ...
> Trond, Miguel, all,
> One more thing. I see Miguel added a some bits about "open  
> standards" here which reminded me of ISSUE-5:  
> Could any of you point to the specific paragraphs and provide  
> replacement text and references?
> Also, I think it's be good if non-europeans could check the content  
> about the topic and see if it makes sense to them, too, or if  
> something else should be added.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jose.

Received on Saturday, 25 April 2009 11:49:31 UTC