Uses of float in the SVGT12 IDL

For ACTION-2073 (which is for ISSUE-2004) I was to look at the uses of
float in the uDOM to see if there were any possible uses for NaN or
Infinity values.  I cannot see any, so I think it is safe to state
somewhere that passing in a NaN or Infinity will throw a particular
exception.  We might also want to say that -0 is treated as +0.

As for the behaviour of integer types in the IDL when passing in a NaN
or Infinity, then I think we should follow the behaviour that is
currently in Web IDL, which is that those values will be treated as 0.
This behaviour is borne out by HTML interfaces that take integers, too.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Monday, 23 June 2008 05:20:54 UTC