Re: ISSUE-9: The Note needs a decent title and a shortname.

On 2007-02-08 16:19:58 -0500, Mary Ellen Zurko wrote:

>> Also, we need to start thinking about the shortname under which
>> this is expected to go into the TR directory.

> Is there some reference on the many nuances that should be
> considered when selecting a shortname? I haven't got a clue what
> the issues are. 

I can't think of a reference for the nuances there...

Classical shortname examples include things like html, css, xml,
forms, widget-reqs, DOM-Level-1, xml-c14n11, and so on.

wsc-reqs or wsc-usecases could be an appropriate short name, maybe
corresponding to something like "Web Security Context: Use Cases and
Requirements" as the title.

Have a look at the links under 
to get a good sense of what others have done.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Friday, 9 February 2007 22:03:47 UTC