RE: Poposal for a WWW panel - first draft

Hi Susanne and all,


The first draft is very good. One small comment is that is focusing a lot in
Web 2 applications and tagging, which is of course a very important issue.
My suggestion is to include also the cultural aspect and the
metadata/applications that exists in this area. There are, already, many
translation of cultural metadata in SW languages and the interoperability
problem, to my opinion, is more obvious in this area than any other
multimedia area. If you all agree, I can include the cultural aspect (not as
the major one) and also invite Martin Doer (I know him) to be in the panel.
Martin Doer is the creator of CIDOC-CRM one of the most important standards
for annotating multimedia cultural documents. Finally, I would like to help
organizing and contributing in this draft.






From: []
On Behalf Of Susanne Boll
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 12:22 AM
To: MMSem-XG Public List
Subject: Poposal for a WWW panel - first draft



Dear all,


I prepared a first draft of the panel description with first

suggestions for panelists and organization. I would

be volunteering to organize the panel, and maybe

even moderate. Of course I would like to take up the offer

of Raphael and Michael to also support me on the panel



Please let me know your comments. I would suggest

that Michael and Raphael continue on the draft and

take in the XG's comments and amendments. If there

is anyone eager to join in helping us in organizing the

panel and in findingfurther great panelists - welcome.


Kind regards,



Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2006 11:41:40 UTC