[CSS21] response to issue 160

This is the CSS WG's response to an issue you raised on the last CSS
2.1 draft (http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-CSS21-20030915). We want to
publish CSS 2.1 as a CR in about two weeks. Please let us know this
week if you think our response is wrong.

Your e-mail:

    # Formatting would have been exactly the same if the document had been:
    # because the content to the left of the float is displaced by the float
    # and reflowed down its right side.

    Poor explanation, imo. Try:
      because the float is taken out of the flow from the same line as in
      the previous example.

CSS WG response:
    Disagree, original is better.

For the CSS WG,

Received on Friday, 13 February 2004 12:40:49 UTC