Re: Proposal of @ua

>> [1]
>> bad-repeat-bad/
> The link gives good reason why conditional statements should be in
> the CSS (such as with @ua) instead of the HTML itself. It is why I
> often have to resort to CSS hacks in one CSS file, rather than adding
> conditional statements to every HTML file. I would much rather use a
> legitimate @ua rule (if it worked similarly to media queries) than
> the hacks I use now to get the job done.

Sure, but as long as user-agents mean quite “differing” spec  
implementations, those “hacks” – when really needed – are certainly  
still more maintainable than having n style sheets polluting the HTML  
(as with CCs) or having n “@ua” rules. The latter might be slightly  
better, but it's still about having working, standards compliant  
implementations, I fear :/

However, it will stay exciting ;)

Best regards,

Jens Meiert

Received on Friday, 19 October 2007 16:26:17 UTC