Re: Poll for data/location next ftf

On Sun, 2012-07-01 at 22:07 +0200, Guus Schreiber wrote:
> ACTION-176: Setup a poll for the next RDF WG F2F.
> Please answer the poll at:

Note that Thu/Fri at TPAC conflicts with a meeting of the LDP WG, so
several of us will have a hard conflict.  (Not sure which way each
person might resolve it.)  People in both groups includes: ericP,
MacTed, Andy, Richard, and Arnaud, at least.  Subject to there being
space in the room, I expect others will be welcome to come at observe
and/or join that group.

    -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 2 July 2012 12:48:10 UTC