Re: [battery] ISSUE-114

Le mercredi 17 août 2011 à 22:10 +0200, Francois Daoust a écrit :
> > This means that if you're only interested in the "critical" state, you
> > would end up getting a lot more events than you need (and thus
> > ironically, drain the battery more than you need).
> How much more is a "lot more" though? It seems we're talking about a
> hundred events or so that would get fired over a period of several
> hours. Even if it's within an hour, that does not sound like a lot of
> overhead.

Well, the number of events likely would depend on the rate of battery
usage, and again, the higher it gets, the higher the number of events.

Each event creates an interruption in the event loop, which wakes up the
processor if it was idle, etc, so I really don't think we should go in a
direction that would fire more events that needed for something that is
supposed to help control battery usage.


Received on Thursday, 18 August 2011 07:45:33 UTC