A possible design to incorporate collections and containers into RDFa?

(Tracker, this belongs to ISSUE-16)


I explicitly copy this to Jeni, because she was the latest (not the first) to ask about this feature lately (on twitter). I wonder whether this is along the lines of what she was having in mind.

I have spent some time the past few days to look at the ways I used to implement collections and containers in the previous version of pyRdfa. As a result, I came up with a fairly new design; I wonder whether something similar could be adopted. Or not; but, in any case, we do have an open issue on the subject that we have to close in one way or other...

I wrote down my current design on the Wiki:


The design has been tested insofar as I did implement it and it works (well, I am sure there are bugs, I have not had time to make an absolutely thorough test). A general comment is that the design does _not_ aim at covering all possible usage patterns of collections or containers, but if we have something that makes the 80/20 cut (or even less) I think it is worth considering.


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Wednesday, 25 August 2010 11:38:55 UTC