Re: ISSUE-15: Null datatype pattern as used by ASN.1 and others

A NULL is just an empty data type.  It has all kinds of uses.  One trick
that ASN.1 developers do to save a couple of bytes on transmission is to
declare something as NULL OPTIONAL in a sequence instead of BOOLEAN.  That
way, presense (TRUE) costs 2 bytes and absense (FALSE) costs 0, versus 3
bytes either way with a boolean.

As I mentioned in my previous post, it seems there are uses for this in XSD
because many of the schemas I have encountered have an EmptyType of some
sort declared and they do it in different ways.


Ed Day

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: ISSUE-15: Null datatype pattern as used by ASN.1 and others

> > There is (apparently) no
> > equivalent in XSD to the ASN.1 NULL type.
> Can someone explain ASN.1's NULL type to those of us who haven't done
> ASN.1 for 9 or 10 years?
> pvb

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2006 22:36:31 UTC