RE: Issue 115, exemptions, best practices

Here is a current example of users being paid for tracking


From: Alan Chapell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 3:59 PM
To: Jeffrey Chester
Cc: (
Subject: Re: Issue 115, exemptions, best practices


Jeff -


If we're starting with the premise that any attempt to get a User to agree
to an exemption is undermining User intent, we're going to have trouble
finding common ground. Are there ANY mechanisms for providing a reward for
the User's agreement to an exemption that are acceptable to you? What about
providing additional free content in exchange for an exemption? Is that ok?





Alan Chapell

Chapell & Associates

917 318 8440



From: Jeffrey Chester <>
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 15:50:09 -0500
To: Alan Chapell <>
Cc: " ("
Subject: Re: Issue 115, exemptions, best practices


Alan:  As you know, online marketing practices are designed to process users
to agree to opt-in and data practices.  What I wrote below are just a few of
the practices used by the leading co's and many others.  If a users decision
on DNT is not to be undermined, we must ensure that practices are
incorporated the permit fair user choice.  





Jeffrey Chester

Center for Digital Democracy

1621 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 550

Washington, DC 20009



On Feb 8, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Alan Chapell wrote:

Jeff - In looking at what you've provided here, I'm a bit concerned that you
are dictating the terms that a website has with its visitors. Can you share
the rationale for each of these - and specifically, what you are trying to
guard against?


Alternatively, I'm happy to have a one-off discussion on this topic on
Friday early AM with Ninja and Jim.





Alan Chapell

Chapell & Associates

917 318 8440



From: Jeffrey Chester <>
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 14:05:40 -0500
To: " ("
Subject: Issue 115, exemptions, best practices
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 20:08:56 +0000


[I await input from Ninja, Alan and Jim]

Best Practices for sites to manage exemptions should include:

A site must provide accurate information to users on the actual data
collection and use practices of the site.  This should include all
information used for tracking, targeting, sales of profiles.  
A site should not suggest that the ability to access information is
dependent on blanket acceptance of a site's data practices.
A site should not use "immersive" multimedia applications designed to foster
opt-in as a way to encourage a user agreeing to an exemption.
A site should not use a special landing page that has been designed
principally to convert a user to agree to permit an exemption.
A site should not use social media marketing to urge a user to ask their
"friends" to approve exemptions.
A site should not offer rewards and incentives for a user to approve of an


Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 23:25:11 UTC