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The <param> element defines parameters for plugins invoked by object elements.


  • It does not represent anything on its own.
  • The name attribute and the value attribute must be present.

HTML Attributes

  • name = name of the parameter
    Gives the name of the parameter.
    This attribute must be present.

  • value = value of the parameter
    Gives the value of the parameter.
    This attribute must be present.

See also global attributes.


Example A

The following example shows how the param element can be used to pass a parameter to a plugin, in this case the O3D plugin [try it]:

<html lang="en">
   <title>O3D Utah Teapot</title>
    <object type="application/vnd.o3d.auto">
     <param name="o3d_features" value="FloatingPointTextures">
     <img src="o3d-teapot.png"
          title="3D Utah Teapot illustration rendered using O3D."
          alt="When O3D renders the Utah Teapot, it appears as a squat
          teapot with a shiny metallic finish on which the
          surroundings are reflected, with a faint shadow caused by
          the lighting.">
     <p>To see the teapot actually rendered by O3D on your
     computer, please download and install the <a
     href="http://code.google.com/apis/o3d/docs/gettingstarted.html#install">O3D plugin</a>.</p>
    <script src="o3d-teapot.js"></script>

HTML Reference

The HTML5 specification defines the <param> element in 4.8.5 The param element.