ACTION-56: Chris Wilson to work with MikeSmith and DanC on (re)plan of action for forms coordination with Forms WG
Chris Wilson to work with MikeSmith and DanC on (re)plan of action for forms coordination with Forms WG
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Chris Wilson
- Due on:
- June 26, 2008
- Created on:
- March 27, 2008
- Related emails:
- {minutes} HTML WG issue-tracking telcon 2008-06-26 (from on 2008-07-09)
- {minutes} HTML WG issue-tracking telcon 2008-06-19 (from on 2008-06-25)
- {minutes} HTML WG issue-tracking telcon 2008-06-12 (from on 2008-06-19)
- {minutes} HTML WG issue-tracking telcon 2008-06-05 (from on 2008-06-06)
- {minutes} 2008-03-27 HTML WG issue-tracking call (from on 2008-03-28)
Related notes:
we need to make this a priority because the 1-year deadline the Forms TF is expiring
Michael[tm] Smith, 19 Jun 2008, 16:36:35I think we have a plan here for now - integrating webforms and then reviewing XForms to see if anything should migrate into HTML5.
Chris Wilson, 10 Jul 2008, 15:57:18closing per discussion on July 10 telcon
Michael[tm] Smith, 10 Jul 2008, 16:21:15Display change log.