ACTION-14: get more information on MS patent review with <canvas>

get more information on MS patent review with <canvas>

Chris Wilson
Due on:
June 12, 2008
Created on:
November 16, 2007
Associated Product:
HTML Principles/Requirements
Related emails:
  1. {minutes} HTML WG Telecon 2010-12-16: status of actions, calls, new decisions, task force reports (from on 2010-12-16)
  2. {minutes} HTML WG issue-tracking telcon 2008-06-19 (from on 2008-06-25)
  3. {minutes} HTML WG issue-tracking telcon 2008-06-12 (from on 2008-06-19)
  4. {minutes} HTML WG teleconference 2008-01-24 (from on 2008-01-25)

Related notes:

this captures for tracker

Dan Connolly, 16 Nov 2007, 14:45:39

since this issue is closed, this action should either get withdrawn or moved to another issue

Dan Connolly, 18 Dec 2007, 22:06:02

in progress. Moved due date.

Chris Wilson, 24 Jan 2008, 13:20:10

I think this can be closed, yes, since the patent review period runs out tomorrow and we have not declared any exclusions. If 3D gets added to our scope, this should probably be reopened.

Chris Wilson, 19 Jun 2008, 16:12:25

Display change log.

Maciej Stachowiak <>, Sam Ruby <>, Chairs, Michael[tm] Smith <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 14.html,v 1.1 2019/10/11 07:59:37 carcone Exp $