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From HTML5 Chinese Interest Group Wiki
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The mission of the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group, part of the HTML Activity, is to facilitate focused discussion in Chinese of the HTML5 specification and of specifications closely related to HTML5, to gather comments and questions in Chinese about those specifications, to collect information about specific use cases in Chinese speaking regions for technologies defined in those specifications, to promote public review and testing of all W3C specifications, to raise language, script or cultural issues to the Internationalization Working Group, and to report the results of its activities as a group back to the HTML Working Group, as well as to other relevant groups and to the W3C membership and community.

Join the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group.


The work of the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group is centered on focused discussion in Chinese of the HTML5 specification. The proposal for the group originated from consultation with W3C members and other community members in Chinese-speaking regions on how to help facilitate increased involvement in W3C activities around HTML5 and related technologies; the outcome was agreement to support a proposal for a new Interest Group that would help address the following general realizations:

  • Potential contributors to the HTML5 standards work who have familiarity with the class of technologies covered in the HTML5 and other related specifications and insight related to HTML5 may not always be willing or able to participate effectively in public discussions about HTML5 in English, but may be able to participate much more effectively in discussions about HTML5 that take place in their native language.
  • Offering a setting for technical discussions among contributors in their native languages helps to provide potential participants in those discussions with greater opportunities for more timely (or even real-time) online communication with others in their same timezone, and greater opportunities for coordinating face-to-face meetings with others in their regions.

In addition to the HTML5 specification itself, the IG may review other Open Web Platform related specifications produced by other W3C working groups. other related specifications that the group might choose to review could include (but by no means be explicitly limited to) the following:

  • HTML Canvas 2D Context
  • Web Sockets
  • Web Storage
  • Web Workers
  • Indexed Database API
  • Server-Sent Events
  • Web DOM Core
  • DOM 4
  • File API
  • Geolocation API
  • XML Binding Language (XBL) 2.0

The group may also choose to review draft specifications produced by the CSS Working Group, the Device APIs and Policy Working Group, the Web Performance Working Group and the Web Notification Working Group.

Along with reviewing the HTML5 specification and related specifications, it is expected that the group will also gather comments and questions about those specifications, collect information about specific use cases for using technologies defined in those specifications in Chinese, and report the results of its activities as a group back to the HTML Working Group, as well as to other relevant groups — such as the Web Applications Working Group, Geolocation Working Group, and Device APIs and Policy Working Group — and to the W3C membership and community.

The success of the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group will be evaluated based on how productively it engages with Chinese W3C members and the global Chinese-speaking community to promote discussion of HTML5 and related specifications, and how effectively it is able to to help produce supplementary documents for the refinement, implementation, and adoption of HTML5 and related technologies in the worldwide Chinese-speaking community.


The HTML5 Chinese IG will not produce Recommendation-track deliverables but a working draft of the Requirements for Chinese Text Layout in both English and Chinese as a Interest Group Note in 2014. Once the FPWD of this layout requirements is published, the HTML5 Chinese IG would work with the Internationalization Working Group to take this document further, to widen the exposure and review of the document. It may also produce other Interest Group Notes on HTML5 and related technologies, the contents of which might include (but by no means be explicitly limited to) the following:

  • Details about use cases for HTML5 and related technologies of particular importance in the Chinese technologies market.
  • Translated summaries of selected questions and/or comments about the HTML5 specification (and possibly about any of its related specifications).

The group may also choose to produce other non-normative deliverables, such as test cases and error reports — under the terms of the Policies for Contribution of Test Cases to W3C, and in coordination with any relevant working groups.

The HTML5 Chinese IG will produce its deliverables according to whatever schedule its collective time, interest, and resources permit. Updated information about the status of the activities of the group and any of its publication milestones is available at the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group page.


The HTML5 Chinese Interest Group has no formal dependencies on any other W3C Working Groups, but is expected to raise issues that relate to language, script or cultural support to the Internationalization Working Group, and to report information related to the HTML5 specification back to the HTML Working Group, and to optionally report information about HTML5-related specifications back to other Working Groups; the groups it might choose to report information back to include (but by no means be explicitly limited to) the following:

  • CSS Working Group
  • Web Applications Working Group
  • Geolocation Working Group
  • Device APIs and Policy Working Group
  • Web Performance Working Group
  • Web Notification Working Group
  • Internationalization Core Working Group

The HTML5 Chinese Interest Group is also expected to take advantage of opportunities for discussion and collaboration with existing HTML5-related groups and communities working in Chinese.


Participation in the HTML5 Chinese IG is open both to W3C members and to public participants. Individuals who wish to join the group should follow the steps for joining documented on the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group page. Any person joining the group must do so with the understanding that Chinese is the principle language for communication in the group.

There are no minimum requirements for “good standing” in the group, and otherwise no minimum requirements for participation (other than an expectation that effective participation in the group requires some degree of ability to understand and communicate in Chinese).

The Team Contact and the chairs should host either one public teleconferences or online meeting once a week. The group may choose to have teleconferences and face-to-face meetings (with the expectation that Chinese is the principle language for communication in such meetings) — either regularly scheduled or occasionally scheduled at the discretion of the Chair (consistent with the W3C Process requirements for meetings) but is under no formal obligation to do so. Any meetings the group schedules will be announced on the public-html-ig-zh@w3.org list and/or on the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group and/or the W3C China page.


HTML5 Chinese IG discussions take place in Chinese. However, any Notes or other reports eventually contributed by a group back to the W3C will be made available in English (or in both English and Chinese).

This HTML5 Chinese IG primarily conducts its work on the publicly archived mailing list public-html-ig-zh@w3.org (archive).For issues related to Chinese text, the CJK mailing list (English) public-i18n-cjk@w3.org (archive) should be used to communicate the results of discussion on the public-html-ig-zh list with a wider audience of internationalization experts.

The group will use the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group and/or the W3C China page to provide updated public information about its activities.