HTML5 Korean Interest Group

The goals of the HTML5 Korean Interest Group (charter) are:

More details about the group are available in the group’s charter.

How to join the group

Participation in the HTML5 Korean IG is open both to W3C members and to public participants. Individuals who wish to join the group must do so with the understanding that Korean is the principle language for communication in the group.

To join the HTML5 Korean Interest Group, complete the following steps:

  1. Send an e-mail message to the address with the word subscribe in the Subject field of the message.

    You will then receive an e-mail message asking if you confirm that you wish to join the group.

  2. Send a reply to the confirmation e-mail message (the contents of the message body of your reply do not matter).

    You will then receive an e-mail message stating, “You have added to the subscriber list of”.

The HTML5 Korean Interest Group primarily conducts its work through discussions in Korean on that mailing list; all discussion on the list are publicly archived. There are no minimum requirements for “good standing” in the group, and otherwise no minimum requirements for participation (other than an expectation that effective participation in the group requires some degree of ability to understand and communicate in Korean).

The group may choose to have teleconferences and face-to-face meetings (with the expectation that Korean is the principle language for communication in such meetings) — either regularly scheduled or occasionally scheduled at the discretion of the Chair. Any meetings the group schedules will be announced on the public-html-ig-ko mailing list.

Review focus

The Interest Group is likely to review these documents (and possibly others):

Michael(tm) Smith <> $Revision: 1.5 $