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TPAC 2010
From W3C eGovernment Wiki
Draft agenda. Please volunteer to present on a topic, and suggest topics you want to hear about. Contact sandro@w3.org.
Event | eGovernment Interest Group Meeting | Venue | W3C TPAC, Lyons, France | Date | November 1-2, 2010 | Participants | List of Participants |
Facilities schedule.
Day 1 (Monday, 1 November) — eGovernment at W3C
Registration opens at 8:00, Terreaux hall, Level 0
Session 1 (09:00-10:30)
- History and Future of eGovernment at W3C (Sandro Hawke, Karen Myers)
- Review of Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web slides
- Begin list of topics for future meetings
Session 2 (11:00-12:00)
- Review current status of IG
- Introductions
- Each person in the room will be asked to introduce themselves and talk for a couple minutes about their background and goals
Session 3 (14:00-15:30)
- Summary of eGov IG activities since Notes were published (Sandro Hawke)
- Reform of the EU Directive on Public Sector Information (Rigo Wenning)
- Discussion of possible policy changes, and the role of W3C
Session 4 (16:00-18:00)
- Options for a W3C eGov Education and Outreach Initiative (Daniel Dardailler)
- Federated Identity and eGovernment (Harry Halpin)
- Open Data, Vocabularies
=== Topic Scratchpad
- Social Media in Government (Presenter?)
- Mobile Access to Gov't Services (Presenter?)
- Open Government Data (but not focussing on Linked Data, yet)
- Review Publishing Open Government Data
- dcat, ckan, open knowledge foundation (?)
- Connections to POI WG, Provenance XG
- Next steps?
- Cloud Computing as path to scalable gov't services
- Open Source and Open Standards (confusion, patents)
- Interoperability and Interop Frameworks
- Vocabularies
- Open Data
- Identity
- eGov Outreach
- eGov Initiative at W3C
Other Possible Topics
Day 2 (Tuesday, 2 November) — Government Linked Data
Registration opens at 8:00, Terreaux hall, Level 0
Session 1 (08:30-10:30)
- Planning for a Government Linked Data Working Group (Sandro Hawke)
- Introductions (around the room)
- data.gov.uk (Jeni Tennison)
- LOD Initiatives in Spain (Martin Alvarez)
Session 2 (11:00-12:00)
- Datalift project in France (Fabien Gandon)
- Linked Environment Data in Germany (Thomas Bandholtz)
Session 3 (14:00-15:30)
Note that the W3C Advisory Committee Meeting starts at 13:00, and runs through the afternoon.
- Charter Details
- Who Needs to Be Involved? (Identify Stakeholders)
- Consider Possible Work Items
Session 4 (16:00-18:00)
- Vocabulary Design Methodology
- If you've been involved in an RDF vocabulary design effort, please be prepared to discuss what worked, what didn't work, and how you think this WG should approach it
- Vocabulary Details
- more TBD