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May 2015 F2F Logistics and Details

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Please, put your name in this table if you plan to participate (alphabetical order):

Name Arrival Departure Hotel Flight info and notes
Paul Belfanti 26 May 28 May  ??? n/a (Allergic to Garlic)
Dave Cramer 26 May 28 May Hotel @ Times Square Metro-North Railroad
Pierre Danet 25th of May evening 28th of May evening TBD
Brady Duga 25 May 27 May West Village area  ???
Heather Flanagan 24 May 26 May Renaissance Time Square Delta 1473 incoming, 8pm Acela departing (Allergies: wheat/cow dairy)
Markus Gylling 25 May  ???  ??  ???
Ivan Herman Sunday 24th Friday 29th The Manhattan Hotel at Time Square arr: Rome-NYC, 16:31; dept: NYC-Rome, 16:20
Leslie Hulse
Rick Johnson
Patrick Johnston
Deborah Kaplan 25 May 4PM 26 May 7PM Warwick Hotel New York Acela (Vegetarian; Allergic to wheat/barley)
Bill Kasdorf 25 May 29 May Doubletree TS South Ar Delta Monday eve, Lv Fri pm for IPTC Warsaw
Patrick Keating 25 May 5 PM 30 May Intercontinental New York Alaska
George Kerscher
Charles LaPierre 23 May Thursday 28th W New York Times Square Sat 23 AA-164, leaving Thursday AA-179, will be at IDPF meeting Wednesday.
Liisa McCloy-Kelley
Phil Madans
Julie Morris n/a local n/a n/a n/a
Cristina Mussinelli
Karen Myers Tuesday, 26 May Thursday, 28 May The Manhattan, Times Square Arrive LaGuardia 7:30am Tuesday; may be a few minutes late. Will attend BEA/IDPF and depart LaGuardia Thursday night at 8:15pm.
Nick Ruffilo Whenever Whenever Live nearby My arms will be tired from flapping them while taking mass transit.
Robin Seaman
Tzviya Siegman 26 May i never leave n/a NJ Transit 167
Ralph Swick
Johannes Wilm


Time Topic Details
8:30-9:00 Arrivals, coffee
9:00-9:15 Introductions
9:15-10:30 Packaging
  • Overview of DPUB Packaging Requirements
  • Discussion of existing packaging specs
  • Detailed review of Packaging on the Web
  • Next steps
  • slides
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Identities
  • Requirements for Fragment Identifiers for EPUB-WEB
  • Assessment of existing sample Frag Ids
  • Next steps
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Pagination
  • Summary of CSS F2F
  • Houdini Update
  • Next steps
14:00-14:45 Accessibility Accessibility Agenda
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-15:30 Education & outreach
15:30-16:30 2015-17 IG Rechartering Discussion and proposals for the 2015-17 charter
16:30 Adjourn


  • Date: 26 May 2015
  • Meeting place: Hachette Offices in NYC, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, 6th Avenue at 51st Street see map
  • Note new meeting room: The meeting will be held on the 5th Floor, Conference room Z. You will need to go to the 4th Floor reception first. (You will need to pick up a pass from the security desk in the entrance lobby. You will need to show ID.)
  • Travel information for NYC, including transportation from local airports: http://bit.ly/1uyppSe
  • A WebEx access has been set up, see detailed information on a separate page


The Hotel @ Times Square is on 46th Street between 5th and 6th Avenue. http://applecorehotels.com/the-hotel-at-times-square/ Dave Cramer has stayed in most of the hotels run by this group. The prices are generally reasonable for New York City.