
From Linked Data Models for Emotion and Sentiment Analysis Community Group

Collection of tools for Emotion and Sentiment Analysis, with an emphasis on Linked Data and Semantic technologies.


This library makes it easy to create sentiment analysis services with a NIF API.

Project repository: Disclaimer: under development.


A java library for the daily work of a 'speech worker', specialized in very fast labeling and annotation of large audio data sets. Includes EmotionML import and export functionality.

Paper describing the tool:

Project repository:


The openSMILE tool enables you to extract large audio feature spaces in realtime for emotion and sentiment analysis from audio and video. It is written in C++ and is available as both a standalone commandline executable as well as a dynamic library (A GUI version is to come soon). The main features of openSMILE are its capability of on-line incremental processing and its modularity. Feature extractor components can be freely interconnected to create new and custom features, all via a simple configuration file. New components can be added to openSMILE via an easy plugin interface and a comprehensive API. openSMILE is free software licensed under the GPL license and is currently available via Subversion [1] in a pre-release state [2].