Log of the meetings held by the Community Group.
5 Attendees: Gabi Vulcu (NUIG), Felix Burkhardt (Deutsche Telekom Labs), Fernando Sánchez (UPM), Michael Petychakis (NTUA), Pavel Velikhov
- Introduction of a new member, Pavel Velikhov.
- Highlight of the need for finer grain definition of emotions, especially for aspect-based sentiment analysis
- Publication:
- Review of contributions
- Gabi's research on applications is interesting, it has to be extended and written according to extension constraints
- Depending on the venue, we will adapt the content
- Currently, the section on tools is more complete (e.g. GATE), but is missing content
- General:
- Added several datasets to the wiki
- In our next meeting we will discuss a possible workshop at LREC:
- Action points
- Updating the list of venues for publication. Ideally, deadlines not sooner than 2 months
The next meeting will be tentatively on Tuesday 21th July, 13.00 CEST.
4 Attendees: Gabi Vulcu (NUIG), Felix Burkhardt (Deutsche Telekom Labs), Fernando Sánchez (UPM), Michael Petychakis (NTUA)
- Publication:
- Link
- Venue
- The current list is outdated:
- Update with new events
- Action points:
- Follow-up meeting on 7th July
- Table of contents and formatting (Fernando)
- Focus on the state of the art.
- EUROLAN 2007: "Semantics, Opinion and Sentiment in Text" as a starting point to look for researchers/works-
- Split in
- Semantic Models (Fernando)
- Applications
- Identify challenges in current projects
- identify not only projects but applications (Gabi)
- Facebook’s moods (Fernando)
- Tools
- GATE (Felix)
- Online Services (JFernando)
- Multimodality
- Keep the terminology section as part of the introduction
- Activities of the members
- WWW (Michael)
- Google concerned about depiction of data (“documents as graphs”)
- Importance of the Linked Data approach
- BDVA 2015 (Fernando)
- Presentation of the CG
- Interest in creating a (BDVA) Working Group for Sentiment and Emotion Analysis and Social Networks (name to be determined)
- LIDER Datathon ( (Gabi)
- MixedEmotions (Gabi, Fernando)
- WWW (Michael)
- It might be interesting to host a Workshop in LREC
- Proposal to follow a modular approach, like Ontolex (
- A module for each use case or subdomain (e.g. how to model emotions, how to link opinions with comments online)
- The process of proposing changes starts with a project/need, which is worked on towards a specification
5 attendees: Michael, Björn, Viviana, Carlos, Fernando Topics:
- Target/venue for publication
- Michael proposed the “Linked Data on the Web” workshop at the WWW conference. Deadline in 2 weeks.
- We agree on aiming for that workshop, and re-evaluate as the deadline approaches
- Workflow and plan for publication:
- Focus on current situation: overview of models and motivation the CG
- Shared document online
- Tentative title: Linked data models for emotion and sentiment analysis: an Overview
- We will look for ways to assemble the final document
- Viviana proposes commenting on use cases, such as Semotica
- Once published, the content of the paper will be included in the wiki
- AOB:
- There were issues with the Powwownow conference. From now on, we will try to meet on Skype.
- There are issues with timezones and exact times of the calls might not be clear
- Follow up on last meeting's tasks
- Discussion about the introductory email
- Progress of Survey/Position paper, including targets for publication
- Summary of dissemination efforts (SMEs, other groups)
- Discussion about tools/methodologies to improve the work in the group
- Status of the CG (mailing list, group, etc.)
- Report from ICMI 2014 and ISWC2014
- ~20' talk about the CG - Björn
- The audience was interested in the link to AAAC
- Lightning (~4') talk about the CG - Fernando
- Conclusion:
- We need to define the protocol to introduce new people to the mailing list, and an introductory email/message.
- Our relationship to AAAC should be made clear and be part of the wiki. The discussion will take place in the mailing list.
- Discussion about the Survey/Position paper
- Contributors
- Leave it open to all members, checking the participation in the wiki history and the mailing list
- Abstract or aim
- State of the art of LOD and Sentiment/Emotion Analysis.
- Contributions needed
- Every member should add information about related projects
- Contributors
- Relevant events, activities and meetings
- ACII 2015(Xian, China) September 2015
- ACL-IJNLP 2015 (Beijin, China) July 2015
- EmoSPACE'15 (Ljubljana, Slovenia) May 2015
- Improvements and further steps
- Get SME interested in the CG, gather use cases
- Link EmotionML and LOD
- AOB (Any other business)
- Any company can get in the CG without paying the W3C fee
- There are special arrangements for SME in W3C
- Next meeting 7th January
- Check the license of the Wiki
- Awards/badges for the most active contributors, using the history of the wiki
Total: 45'
- Presentation of the content of the wiki
- Addition of Datasets and useful resources
- Description of basic concepts (e.g. definition of sentiments/emotions, theories, applications, etc.)
- Promotion and dissemination
- Proposal of rendezvous during the ISWC 2014, 19-23 October 2014, and announcement on related mailing lists
- Proposal of presentation during the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014), Istanbul, Turkey, 12-16 November 2014
- Addition of materials to the wiki
- Integration of people from a non-technical background in the community group
- Discussion about future contribution, such as publications.
Second meeting with 9 attendees.
- Introduction of the members
- Short introduction about related projects and initiatives
- Discussion about the aims and motivation of the community group
- Discussion about internal aspects: meetings, communication channels, possible meetings, etc.
From this meeting on, the group will meet every first Wednesday of the month.
Community group short kick-off.
- Introduction of the members
- Discussion about the aims and motivation of the community group
- Arrangement of the first meeting after vacation period