
From Schema Bib Extend Community Group

Status: Abandoned - see Holdings via Offer for the recommended best practice

Some examples are at

Library Holdings

Create a Class subordinate to

Thing > Organization > LocalBusiness > Library > LibraryHoldings

Definition: A statement of library holdings, with location, shelf number, and available service offers.

Shelf location

Property Expected Type Description
shelfLocation Text The library branch or specific shelf location, e.g. "Serials room" "West branch" "Ref" "Oversize"

Call number

Property Expected Type Description
callNumber text The assigned number that is used to locate the item.


    • "676.3"
    • "676.3 c.1"
    • "Fiction"
    • "Mystery"
    • "Oversize 676.3"
    • "Micro123"

Holdings statement

This is primarily used for serials and other multi-volume works where the library needs to state which volumes or numbers it owns.

Property Expected Type Description
holdings text Statement of holdings, mainly for multi-volume works


    • v.13(1991), v.20(2000)-v.32:3(2001)
    • BACK ISSUES IN STORAGE: Dec 29 2008-Jun 28 2010 (v.172:25-175:25); Jan 9 2012- ; BOUND VOLUMES IN STORAGE: 1925-Dec 2006 (v.5-168); Ask at Reference Desk for specific volume/issue availability
    • 1960-2008 (v.95-172)

Note: would seem to be usable here, although the properties in do not easily fit this case.


Property Expected Type Description
status text Status or availability of the item, such as "On shelf" "Checked out" "Library use only"

Note: itemAvailability is an enumeration, such as: Thing > Intangible > Enumeration > ItemAvailability > InStoreOnly. To use this we would need to have a definitive list availability types, which is not realistic. However, could we use ItemAvailability as the type and for the availability/status?

User options

Subordinate to Thing -> Intangible -> Offer

Services and actions offered to users such as "Download" "Place hold" "Request". Offer has "itemOffered" but nothing about offered services.

Property Expected Type Description
serviceOffered text Service being offered


EXAMPLE In Microdata

<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="name">Moby Dick; notes</span> -
by <a itemprop="author">Robers, James Lamar, 1929-</a>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="shelfLocation">Central Library</span>
<span itemprop="callNumber">809c M497m</span>
<span itemprop="status">CHECK SHELF</span>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="shelfLocation">Central Reference Desk</span>
<span itemprop="callNumber">809c M497m</span>
<span itemprop="status">LIBRARY USE ONLY</span>

<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span><a href="/iii/encore/holdRequest/?">
<img="hold.png"><a href="" /></a>
<span itemprop="serviceOffered" >Hold this for me</span></span>
<a href="/iii/encore/listRequest/?">
<img="list.png"><a href="" /></a>
<span itemprop="serviceOffered">Add to marked list</span></span>
<a href="/iii/encore/infoRequest/?">
<img="info.png"><a href="" /></a>
<span itemprop="serviceOffered">More info</span></span>
<a href="/iii/encore/exploreRequest/?">
<img="explore.png"><a href="" /></a>
<span itemprop="serviceOffered">Explore</span></span>

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