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Architecture for Creating Read-Write Web Sub Specifications

The development of a coherent architecture for read-write web sub specifications necessitates guidelines that emphasize interoperability, security, and user-centricity. Here's a refined architectural framework tailored to address these aspects:

Interoperability (Interop)

  • Common Standards: Adopt universally recognized standards to ensure compatibility across platforms and systems.
  • Resource Representation: Use consistent and standard formats (like JSON-LD) that can be easily understood and parsed by various platforms.

Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)

  • Persistent URIs: Ensure that URIs remain constant over time, promoting stability and reducing the risk of broken links.
  • Discoverability: Use self-descriptive URIs that allow resources to be easily identified and located.

Web Identity (WebID)

  • Decentralized Identity: Use WebID as a standard identifier system, allowing users to maintain control over their online identity.
  • Linkable Profiles: Ensure that WebIDs can link to other information, providing a holistic view of the user.


  • Identity Verification: Implement robust mechanisms to verify the authenticity of WebIDs and ensure that users are who they claim to be.
  • Secure Protocols: Utilize secure and proven authentication protocols that protect against potential threats and breaches.


  • Access Control: Clearly define which WebIDs or groups of WebIDs can perform specific actions or access certain resources.
  • Dynamic Authorization: Allow for real-time changes in authorization levels based on context and needs.

Access Control and Permissions

  • Granular Permissions: Define permissions at a granular level, allowing for detailed access control.
  • User-Centric Control: Enable users to set and modify permissions for their data and resources.

Representations and Interoperability

  • Standard Representations: Define a standard way of representing data across the web to ensure that data is easily transferable and understandable across different platforms.
  • Extension Mechanisms: Allow for extensions to standard representations without breaking interoperability.

Cross-Origin Mechanisms

  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): Implement CORS to enable safe and controlled sharing of resources across different origins.
  • Cross-Origin Authentication: Ensure that authentication mechanisms can operate seamlessly across different domains.


  • Cross Origin Exploits: Protect user data both in transit and from cross origin attacks.
  • Regular Audits: Regularly audit systems and protocols for potential vulnerabilities and ensure timely patching.

This architectural framework serves as a blueprint for developing sub specifications that are in sync with the evolving needs of the web while prioritizing