W3C ODRL Community Group Meeting - 2012
Date: Monday 24 Sept 2012 Time: 1PM-5PM Place: Faculty of Informatics at University of Namur, Rue Grandgnage 21, Namur, Belgium Room: Dijkstra, 4th floor
See Tracking Agenda
- Susanne Guth (chair)
- Rudiger Grimm
- Jürgen Nützel
- Annanda Rath
- Daniel Pähler
- Andreas Karsten
- Jean-Noel Colin
- Renato Iannella (via skype 1-3PM)
See Virtual Goods+ODRL Workshop for more logistics and full program for 25th Sept.
Raw Notes:
[24/09/2012 21:28:13] Susanne Guth: Agenda:
[24/09/2012 21:28:39] Renato Iannella: Attendees listed here:
[24/09/2012 21:30:09] Renato Iannella: Issue 4
[24/09/2012 21:36:24] Renato Iannella: Susanne to raise issue#4 with OMA
[24/09/2012 21:37:47] Renato Iannella: RI to look at Google analytics for web site access
[24/09/2012 21:38:03] Renato Iannella: Issue 5
[24/09/2012 21:39:57] Renato Iannella: RI to complete
[24/09/2012 21:41:20] Renato Iannella: Issue 2
[24/09/2012 21:41:37] Renato Iannella: ontology files
[24/09/2012 21:41:48] Renato Iannella:
[24/09/2012 21:44:32] Daniel Pähler:
[24/09/2012 21:44:41] Daniel Pähler:
[24/09/2012 21:45:56] Daniel Pähler:
[24/09/2012 21:51:18] Andreas Kasten:
[24/09/2012 22:00:07] Daniel Pähler:
[24/09/2012 22:01:45] Daniel Pähler:
[24/09/2012 22:07:44] Daniel Pähler:
[24/09/2012 22:25:24] Renato Iannella: Action: DP/AK - give feedback on their OWL experiences
[24/09/2012 22:25:43] Renato Iannella: ISSUE#3
[24/09/2012 22:29:52] Renato Iannella: Close this issue
[24/09/2012 22:30:56] Renato Iannella: Issue 8
[24/09/2012 22:31:00] Renato Iannella:
[24/09/2012 22:32:35] Renato Iannella: process
[24/09/2012 22:32:35] Renato Iannella:
[24/09/2012 22:37:58] Renato Iannella: Action item - need find a resource to develop the proposal
[24/09/2012 22:38:50] Renato Iannella: Issue 9
[24/09/2012 22:46:40] Renato Iannella: Action: ask Stuart to do this!
[24/09/2012 22:47:05] Renato Iannella: Issue 10
[24/09/2012 22:50:17] Daniel Pähler:
[24/09/2012 22:52:03] Renato Iannella: We allow any URI to identify assets
[24/09/2012 22:52:40] Renato Iannella: So if the URI points to many "resources" then the identifer fo the Asset will refer to many assets
[24/09/2012 22:57:51] Renato Iannella: Action: none
[24/09/2012 22:57:58] Susanne Guth: :)
[24/09/2012 22:57:58] Renato Iannella: ODRL supports this requirement
[24/09/2012 22:58:12] Renato Iannella: ISSUE 11
[24/09/2012 23:03:46] Daniel Pähler: I'd like to bring up this argument of Michael:
[24/09/2012 23:08:44] Renato Iannella: <asset uid="">
[24/09/2012 23:09:30] Renato Iannella: = "blaaaa"
[24/09/2012 23:09:44] Daniel Pähler: Michael said in his last mail:
If something like "*" is acceptable any news item issued by Reuters would fall into the range defined by this wildcard - and that's ok for the IPTC use case.
So since we solved this in Issue 10, this should work here, too
[24/09/2012 23:11:57] Renato Iannella: So ISSUE 10 and 11 are solved
[24/09/2012 23:12:03] Renato Iannella: Action: tell michael
[24/09/2012 23:12:11] Renato Iannella: ISSUE 12
[24/09/2012 23:12:56] Renato Iannella: Example 4.6
[24/09/2012 23:12:57] Renato Iannella: <o:duty uid="d1">
<o:action name=""/>
<o:asset uid="" relation=""/>
[24/09/2012 23:13:50] Renato Iannella: Michael suggest
[24/09/2012 23:13:50] Renato Iannella: <o:duty> <o:action name="ov:pay"/> <o:constraint name="ov:paymentvalue" operator="ov:gteq" rightOperand="150.00" rOpDatatype="xs:decimal" rOpUnits="iso4217a:USD" /> </o:duty>
[24/09/2012 23:14:34] Renato Iannella: Renato says
[24/09/2012 23:14:35] Renato Iannella: <o:constraint name="ov:payAmount" operator="ov:eq" rightOperand="AUD123.50"/>
[24/09/2012 23:16:27] Renato Iannella: two new attributes
[24/09/2012 23:16:40] Renato Iannella: datatype (eg decimal, string)
[24/09/2012 23:16:51] Renato Iannella: units ($, kg)
[24/09/2012 23:19:26] Renato Iannella: (all are URIs)
[24/09/2012 23:20:06] Jean-Noël Colin: The <Obligation> element has zero or more <AttributeAssignment> elements. <AttributeAssignment> has an AttributeId and text content. The AttributeId is the returned attribute key, prefixed with the namespace, and the content is the attribute value.
For example, the response attribute “currency” : ”USD” is returned as:
DataType="">USD </AttributeAssignment>
[24/09/2012 23:20:20] Jean-Noël Colin: (this comes from xacml)
[24/09/2012 23:25:06] Renato Iannella: Use case for dates:
[24/09/2012 23:25:07] Renato Iannella: <o:constraint name="ov:paymentduedate" operator="ov:lteq" rightOperand="2012-07-31" rOpDatatype="xs:date" />
[24/09/2012 23:30:06] Renato Iannella: UBL example
[24/09/2012 23:30:07] Renato Iannella: <ubl:PriceAmount xml:id=""
[24/09/2012 23:35:04] Renato Iannella: Model
[24/09/2012 23:35:06] Renato Iannella: For example, the “number of usages” (name) must be “smaller than” (operator) the “number 10″ (rightOperand).
[24/09/2012 23:36:13] Daniel Pähler: (y)
[24/09/2012 23:36:14] Renato Iannella: ACTION: we will allow the 2 new attributes....but cannot be used for Payments
[24/09/2012 23:37:27] Renato Iannella: Enjoy Dinner !