Vocabulary Definitions
Review of the Action Vocabulary - with proposed changes
IPTC's team working on RightsML has reviewed the ODRL Action Vocabulary primarily from a business point of view in November and December 2013. As a result IPTC proposes
- To select only a single identifier for each action
- To review the definition of some actions as they are not sufficiently clear
- To rename a few actions to better reflect the semantics
- To introduce a hierarchy of actions with an implied inheritance of semantics
Generic notes on the extended table below
- The columns Identifier, Semantics/ODRL specs and Comment/ODRL Specs are taken from the amended ODRL Common Vocabulary page as of February 2013 - http://www.w3.org/community/odrl/work/2-0-common-vocabulary-constraint-draft-changes
- The column Broader Action Id expresses a hierarchical relationship inside the Action vocab.
- This hierarchy reflects the ODRL proposal of November 2013 to make "present" a new stand-alone action and make it the broader term of "display", "execute" and "play"
- The column Semantics / IPTC and Comment / IPTC present a corresponding proposal by IPTC.
- The column “Usage with” defines if the action may be applied to a Permission, Prohibition or Duty. (Be aware: Permission and Duty are very close – Permission = you MAY take an action; Duty = just MUST take an action. Therefore any action may be assigned to any Duty as long as it could be assigned to a Permission – potentially, but usually not in the day-to-day business.)
- Comments by IPTC are highlighted in blue
- Minor changes by IPTC are highlighted in yellow
Notes by the IPTC reviewing team
- What we’ve checked and annotated
- Overlapping of the semantics of two or more actions. (Actually this is the biggest problem of this vocabulary.)
- How precise and unambiguous the semantics are: e.g. “execute” is apparently only an action for computer programs, so the let’s tell this in the semantics. Open issue: isn’t it bad practice to use the same term in a definition (= the semantics)?
- Actions towards third-parties (a party further down the supply chain making use of the asset): some actions showed by the semantics and/or the comments that this is an action which is granted to be executed by the Assignee in the business with a third-party. This should be clearly expressed.
- Inconsistencies: e.g. basic transactions appear to be primarily actions towards third-parties: lend, lease, license, nextPolicy. But give and sell are not.
- What we’ve modified:
- struck out one of the Identifiers if more than one exists for an action – as proposal highlighted in blue, reflecting the changes regarding "present" without highlighting.
- uppercased in the Semantics all key terms of ODRL: Asset, Policy, Party, Assigner, Assignee
- A big problem are the references to other standards as an ODRL user would have to read them to fully understand the semantics. In particular the references to CC are problematic as we were not able to find a clear definition of the referenced terms. (They appear in CC licenses but their semantics are not defined.)
- An open issue - but closer to the data model than to the vocabulary - is the default use of actions. E.g. move: to move an asset from one location to another one is part of any day-to-day business. What if move is used neither by a Permission nor a Prohibition. Is the assignee allowed to assume “undefined = permitted” – what if this applies to all actions from this vocabulary which are not defined in a policy.
Action Vocabulary grid
acceptTracking |
The act of accepting that the use of the Asset may be recorded |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of accepting that the use of the Asset may be tracked (recording is much stricter than tracking) |
The collected information may be tracked by the assigner, or may link to a Party with role function “trackingParty”. |
Duty |
adhocShare |
share |
The act of sharing the Asset to Parties in close proximity to the owner |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of sharing the Asset to Parties in close proximity to the Assignee |
This action may be used to express [OMA] Sharing semantics. |
Comment needs a direct link to OMA |
Permission Prohibition |
aggregate |
use |
The act of using the Asset (or parts of it) as part of a composite collection |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of using the Asset or parts of it as part of a composite collection |
Permission Prohibition |
annotate |
use |
The act of adding notations/commentaries to the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of adding notations/commentaries to the Asset |
A new asset is created including the annotations. |
By this action a new asset is created including the annotations. |
Permission Prohibition |
anonymize |
use |
The act of anonymising the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of anonymising the Asset |
For example, to remove identifying particulars for statistical or other purposes. |
Permission Prohibition |
append appendTo |
write writeTo |
The act of adding to the end of an Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of adding data to the end of the Asset |
For example, the ability to add record to a database (the asset) |
Permission Prohibition |
archive |
use |
The act of persistently storing the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of persistently storing the Asset |
Constraints may be used for temporal conditions. |
Permission Prohibition |
attachPolicy |
The act of keeping the Policy notice with the Asset |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of keeping the Policy notice with the Asset |
May link to an Asset which is the Policy to attach. This action may be used to express [CC] Sharing semantics. Does the reference to this CC term fit into this action? |
Comment needs a direct link to CC term |
Duty Permission ? Prohibition ? |
attachSource |
The act of attaching the source of the Asset and its derivatives Is this source code? Let's assume it. |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of attaching the source code of the computer program Asset to the Asset and its derivatives. |
May link to an Asset which represents the source of the asset. This action may be used to express [CC] Source Code semantics. ?? Where are they defined ?? |
Comment needs a direct link to CC term |
Duty |
attribute |
The act of attributing the Asset to a Party. |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of attributing the Asset to a Party |
Typically used as a Duty. May link to an Asset with the attribution information. May link to a Party with role function “attributedParty”. |
Duty |
concurrentUse |
use |
The act of multiple concurrent use of the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of multiple concurrent use of the Asset |
This action may be used to express [ONIX] Concurrent Users semantics. |
This action may be used to express the use of an asset by multiple and different users at the same time. E.g. [ONIX] Concurrent Users. |
Permission Prohibition |
commercialize |
use |
The act of using the Asset in a business environment. |
This is a vague definition which overlaps with other actions. How to combine this commercial facet with the way of using an Asset – e.g. display, print … ? |
The asset may be traded for profit. Hm, does not fit to Semantics – and see action sell. |
Permission Prohibition |
copy reproduce |
use |
The act of making an exact reproduction of the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of making an exact reproduction of the Asset |
This action may be used to express [CC] Reproduction semantics. ?? Where are they defined ?? |
Comment needs a direct link to CC term |
Permission Prohibition |
delete |
The act of permanently removing the Asset |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of permanently removing the Asset |
When used as a Duty means all copies removed. |
Duty Prohibition ? |
derive modify |
use |
The act of creating a new derivative Asset from the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of creating a new derivative Asset from the Asset |
This action may be used to express [CC] Derivative works semantics. ?? Where are they defined ?? |
Comment needs a direct link to CC term |
Permission Prohibition |
digitize |
transform? see below |
The act of digitizing the Asset from its original form |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of digitizing the Asset from its analogue form |
Typically, the original asset would be in analogue form. |
Permission Prohibition |
display present |
present |
The act of making a transient visible rendering of the Asset Overlaps with print and preview |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of rendering the visual media Asset to an audience |
For example; displaying an image on a screen. |
Permission Prohibition |
distribute |
use |
The act of publicly distributing, displaying and/or performing the Asset This action is a strange mix of activities. Make it the broader term for display, print …? |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of distributing the Asset to a public audience |
This action may be used to express [CC] Distribution semantics. ?? Where are they defined ?? |
Comment needs a direct link to CC term |
Permission Prohibition |
ensureExclusivity |
The act of requiring the Assigner to ensure the Permission on the Asset is unique to the Assignee What if there are multiple Permissions (plural)? |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of requiring the Assigner to ensure the Permission on the Asset is unique to the Assignee |
Typically used as a Duty in which the Assigner is the same as the Assignee and is obliged to ensure the Permission granted is exclusive. |
Duty |
execute present |
use |
The act of executing the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of running the computer program Asset. |
For example; machine executable code or Java such as a game or application. |
Permission Prohibition |
export |
use |
The act of transforming the Asset into a new form Overlapping or narrower relationship with digitize ? |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of transforming the digital Asset into another digital format |
Typically used to convert the asset into a different format for consumption/transfer on a third-party system and may also include the conversion of the policy. |
Permission Prohibition |
extract |
reproduce |
The act of extracting (replicating) unchanged parts of the Asset Does this mean that a part must not be changed after extracting it? Potential overlapping with action read! |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of extracting parts of the Asset and an unchanged insert into another Asset. |
For reuse along with, or within, another asset, or to stand alone.This action may be used to express [ONIX] Copy/Paste semantics. Narrower terms: extractChar, extractWord, extractPage |
re Comment: where is Copy/Paste defined by ONIX? |
Permission Prohibition |
extractChar |
extract |
The act of extracting (replicating) unchanged character(s) from the Asset See extract. How is and is at all the amount of extracted characters limited? |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of extracting single characters of the Asset and an unchanged insert into another Asset. |
This action may be used to express [ONIX] CopyPaste Character semantics. Broader term: extract |
where is Copy/Paste defined by ONIX? |
Permission Prohibition |
extractWord |
extract |
The act of extracting (replicating) unchanged word(s) from the Asset See extract. How is and is at all the amount of extracted characters limited? Does this apply also to audio assets? |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of extracting single word of the Asset and an unchanged insert into another Asset. |
This action may be used to express [ONIX] CopyPaste Word semantics. Broader term: extract |
where is Copy/Paste defined by ONIX? |
Permission Prohibition |
extractPage |
extract |
The act of extracting (replicating) unchanged page(s) from the Asset See extract. How is and is at all the amount of extracted pages limited? |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of extracting single pages of the Asset and an unchanged insert into another Asset. |
This action may be used to express [ONIX] CopyPaste Page semantics. Broader term: extract |
where is Copy/Paste defined by ONIX? |
Permission Prohibition |
give |
transfer |
The act of giving away the Asset in perpetuity without exchange of value Shouldn’t this be a third-part action too – see lease, lend, sell |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of transferring the ownership of the Asset and all related rights to a third-party without exchange of value |
Ownership is transferred to the recipient. The original Asset must be deleted by the owner. … if this Asset allows to create copies. |
Permission Prohibition |
include |
The act of including other related assets to fulfil the function |
Is *this* asset the one which is included or to which another asset is included? What does this “fulfil the fuction” mean? Overlapping with aggregate and write |
For example; Bio picture must be included in the attribution. Use of the Asset relation attribute is required. |
Duty |
index |
use |
The act of indexing the Asset into a collection of assets |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of indexing the Asset into a collection of assets |
For example; to include the Asset in a search engine database. |
A comment should help to disambiguate aggregate and index |
Permission Prohibition |
inform |
The act of informing a Party that an action has been performed on the Asset |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of informing a Party that an action has been performed on the Asset |
Typically used as a Duty. May link to a Party with role function “informedParty”. |
Duty |
install |
use |
The act of loading the Asset onto storage device ready for operation |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of loading the computer program Asset onto storage device ready for operation |
Permission Prohibition |
lease |
use |
The act of making available the Asset to a third-Party for a fixed period of time with exchange of value |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act that the Assignee makes available the Asset to a third-party for a fixed period of time with exchange of value |
During this period, the Asset is only available by the third-party. Temporal constraints may be used. Next Policy is recommended for the third-party. |
Permission Prohibition |
lend |
use |
The act of making available the Asset to a third-Party for a fixed period of time without exchange of value |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act that the Assignee makes available the Asset to a third-party for a fixed period of time without exchange of value |
During this period, the Asset is only available by the third-party. Temporal constraints may be used. Next Policy is recommended for the third-party. |
Permission Prohibition |
use (NEW) license |
The Assigner grants/does not grant the right for using the Asset to the Assignee(s). |
More details may be defined in a related licensing contract or commercial laws. Refined types of license-bases actions can be expressed by the narrower actions. |
Permission Prohibition |
license |
use |
The act of granting the right to use the Asset to a third-Party |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of granting a sublicense for using the Asset to a third-party |
This action enables the assignee to create policies for the use of the Asset for third-parties. Use of Next Policy to express any downstream constraints is recommended. |
Permission Prohibition |
move |
use |
The act of moving the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of moving the Asset from one location to another one |
After the Asset has been moved, the original copy must be deleted. |
Moving typically means not making a copy … |
Permission Prohibition |
nextPolicy |
The act of specifying an Asset (which must be a Policy) as the Policy terms for third-Party use of the Asset |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of applying a specific Policy to a third-party for their use of the Asset |
Typically used as a Duty to indicate the policy terms for downstream use of the Asset. If the Asset is modified (eg translated) as an outcome of the original Policy, then the Next Policy applies to the derived Asset. |
Duty |
obtainConsent |
The act of requiring explicit consent from a Party to perform the action on the Asset |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of requiring explicit consent from a Party to perform the action on the Asset |
Typically used as a Duty for the Asset owners to decide on a case-by-case basis. May link to a Party with role function “consentingParty”. |
Duty |
pay |
The act of paying a financial amount to a Party for use of the Asset |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes the act of paying a financial amount to a Party for use of the Asset |
The payAmount constraint may be used to indicate the amount of the payment. The Payer is the Assignee and the Payee is the Assigner of the policy or, if specified, a new Party with role function “payeeParty”. |
Duty |
play present |
present |
The act of rendering the Asset into audio and/or video form |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of rendering an audio Asset to an audience. |
For example; playing a movie file. |
Permission Prohibition |
present (NEW 2013-11) |
use |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of rending media to an audience. |
Permission Prohibition |
preview |
display |
The act of providing a short preview of the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of providing a short preview of the Asset to an audience. |
For example; the first 5 minutes of a movie. |
Permission Prohibition |
present |
The act of rendering the Asset onto paper or hard copy form |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of rendering an Asset onto paper or hard copy form to an audience. |
For example; creating a permanent, fixed (static), and directly perceivable representation of the Asset. |
Permission Prohibition |
read |
use |
The act of obtaining data from the Asset |
Potential overlapping with extract – (see also write) |
For example, the ability to read a record from a database (the Asset) |
Permission Prohibition |
reviewPolicy |
The act of performing a manual review of the terms associated with the Asset |
The Assigner requires that the Assignee(s) executes by a person the act of performing a review of the terms associated with the Asset. |
Used when human intervention is required to review the policy. May link to an Asset which represents the policy information. |
Duty |
secondaryUse |
use |
The act of using the Asset for a purpose other than the purpose it was intended for |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of using the Asset for a purpose other than the purpose it was intended for |
For example, for marketing or profiling purposes. |
Permission Prohibition |
share |
use |
The act of the non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the Asset to third-Parties |
Overlaps with (commercial ?) distribution and what exactly is reproduction? |
This action may be used to express [CC] Sharing semantics. |
Comment needs a direct link to CC term |
Permission Prohibition |
shareAlike |
share |
The act of distributing any derivative Asset under the same terms as the original Asset |
See above |
This action may be used to express [CC] Share-a-like semantics. |
Comment needs a direct link to CC term |
Permission Prohibition |
sell |
transfer |
The act of trading the Asset in exchange of value (Shouldn’t this be a third-party action?) |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of transferring the ownership of the Asset and all related rights to a third-party in exchange of value. |
Next Policy is recommended for the third-party Why that? Selling means transferring all rights. |
Ownership is transferred to the recipient. The original Asset must be deleted by the owner if this Asset allows to create copies. |
Permission Prohibition |
textToSpeech |
present |
The act of a system reading the text of the Asset out loud |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of reading out loud a text Asset by a technical system |
This action may be used to express [ONIX] Text to Speech semantics. |
Permission Prohibition |
transfer (NEW) |
The Assigner transfers/does not transfer the ownership of the Asset and all related rights in perpetuity to the Assignee(s). |
Permission Prohibition |
translate |
use |
The act of translating the Asset into a new natural language Why has a new language to be created ;-) |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of translating the natural language of an Asset into another natural language. |
A new Asset is created. |
Permission Prohibition |
uninstall |
use |
The act of unloading the Asset from storage device |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of unloading the computer program Asset from a storage device and disabling its readiness for operation |
The Asset is not longer accessible. |
The Asset is no longer accessible. |
Permission Prohibition Duty ? |
watermark |
use |
The act of applying a watermark to the Asset |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of applying a watermark to the Asset |
A linked Asset may indicate the watermark to apply. |
Permission Prohibition |
write |
The act of writing to the Asset How to disambiguate this from the include action? |
The Assigner permits/prohibits the Assignee(s) to execute the act of writing to the Asset |
For example, the ability to write a record to a database (the Asset) |
Permission Prohibition |
Hierarchy overview
- use
- aggregate
- annotate
- anonymize
- archive
- attachSource
- concurrentUse
- commercialize
- delete
- distribute
- execute
- extract
- extractChar
- extractWord
- extractPage
- index
- install
- move
- present
- display
- preview
- execute
- play
- display
- read
- reproduce (copy)
- secondaryUse
- share
- adhocShare
- shareAlike
- textToSpeech
- translate
- transform (export)
- digitize
- derive (modify) ?
- watermark
- write(To)
- append(To)
- transfer
Permission/Prohibition actions towards third-parties only
- (use)
- lease
- lend
- sublicense
- (transfer)
- give
- sell
- acceptTracking
- attachPolicy
- attachSource
- attribute
- delete
- ensureExclusivity
- include
- inform
- nextPolicy
- obtainConsent
- pay
- reviewPolicy
- uninstall