
From Music Notation Community Group

The canonical list of participants in the CG can be found here, but this page is for participants in the W3C Music Notation Community Group to provide information about themselves, the organisation they represent (if applicable), and their specific areas of interest within the CG.


Photo Name Organisation GitHub username Area of interest
Adrian Holovaty Soundslice adrianholovaty Consuming MusicXML; rendering web-based sheet music; creating new notation forms to enhance music education; improving semantics of notation data
Daniel Spreadbury Steinberg Media Technologies, GmbH dspreadbury The inventor of SMuFL, and Product Marketing Manager for Steinberg's in-development scoring software.
Michael Scott Asato Cuthbert Massachusetts Institute of Technology mscuthbert Editor of MusicXML spec; music21; computational musicology.


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Asterisk (*) indicates an affiliation with an organisation, but that the individual has chosen to join the CG as an individual not representing his or her organisation.

Photo Name Organisation GitHub username Area of interest
Aaron Mars
Abraham Lee
Adam Reese Tableau Software*
Adriano Baratè Università degli Studi di Milano
Adrian Kulisch
Ainhoa Esténoz
Alexander Blank
Alexandre Kharlamov
Alex Daigle
Alex Emery
Alexander Plötz
Alfredo Serafini freelance consultant seralf (music) information retrieval & search, linked data, sound and interaction design
Alon Shacham Compoze Music Solutions Ltd
Alvaro Buitrago
Amber Blue
Anas R.
Andrew Hankinson
Andrew Horwitz Research Foundation of City University of NY* ahwitz MIR, score alignment, engraving
Andrew Parker
Angelo Cutolo
Annika Elting
Ansari Abdul Aziz
Ariel Qassis
Arshia Cont Antescofo SAS
Arthur Lenskold
Asahi Ocean
Axel Geertinger The Royal Library, Denmark*
Ben Timms Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH bentimms
Bert Zhang
Bernd Jungmann capella-software
Beth Sorensen
Bob Hamblok
Bo Rydberg Musikalliansen*
Bo-Cheng Jhan National Cheng Kung University school510587 Braille Music, Automatic transcription from MusicXML or other formats into braille
Bob Hamblok bhamblok
Brad Cohen Tido Enterprise GmbH
Brian Zimmer
Bruce Nelson Alfred Music
Bruno Bernardo Bigsby
Burak Uyar
Byron C Mayes Temple University*
Camila Monteiro de Barros Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina*
Carine Bournez W3C
Carsten Boensel
Casey Driessen
Cecilio Salmeron None cecilios Creator and maintainer of LenMus project. My aim is to learn about music representation and management with computers and at the same time to develop public knowledge, methods and algorithms and to provide free quality software for music students, amateurs, and teachers.
Charles Buck Hawaii Conference of the United Church of Christ
Chiba Yuko RygaSound Inc.
Chris Fowler J.W. Pepper & Son
Chris Lees
Chris Swaffer PreSonus
Christian Burtchen ResearchGate*
Christian Christian Kapplmüller
Christina Noel Musicnotes, Inc.
Christof Schardt Columbus Soft
Christopher Antila crantila
Christopher Diamond
Christopher Koszuta Hal Leonard / Noteflight
CJ Garcia MakeMusic
Claude Rajchert
Cory Davis
Cyril Coutelier Flat
Cyril Silverman Tido Enterprise GmbH
Dan Kreider
Daniel Ray Muse Group
Daniel Richmond
Dave Keenan Sagittal
David Holland
David MacDonald University of Central Florida
Daniel Walz Foleys Finest Audio Ltd.
David Rizo University of Alicante
David William Hearn Staffpad Ltd
Davide Andrea Mauro Iauv University of Venice*
David Webber Mozart Music Software DavidMWebber
Dawson Berry
Denis Feletto
Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
Dennis Freeze
Desiree Garcia
Dietmar Schneider
Dmitriy Popov Ultimate Guitar USA, LLC
Doill Jung
Dominik Hörnel capella-software dhoernel
Dominik Svoboda
Dominique Vandenneucker Arpege Music
Douglas Blumeyer Sagittal
Doug Eicher Music Prodigy
Dragan Petrovic
Drake Domingue Alfred Music
Ed Malaga
Elad Keidan
Emil Wojtacki
Emily Vickers
Enrico Bortolazzi
Enrico Dell'Aquila
Eric Carraway
Eric Fontaine MuseScore* ericfont
Eric Mosterd University of South Dakota*
Eric Pancer
Erik Ronström DoReMIR Music Research
Evan Balster Interactopia LLC*
Evan Brooks ebrooks01
Evan Yamanishi W. W. Norton & Company
Fabrizio Ferrari Virtual Sheet Music, Inc.
Frank Litterscheid
Freeman Gilmore
Gene Ragan
George Litterst TimeWarp Technologies
George Ross Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI)
Gerda Koch Angewandte Informationstechnik Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Glenn Linderman
Goffredo Haus Università degli Studi di Milano
Gorka Urzaiz NewMusicNow
Graham Metcalfe Allegro Design Group
Gregory Burlet Frettable
Grzegorz Rolek
Guy Barash Music Sales Corporation
Hans Vereyken neoScores
Heiko Petersen
Henry Ives Muse Group
Hernán D. Ramallo
Hervé Bitteur Audiveris
Hiroyuki Baba
Hiroyuki Koike Plusadd, Inc.
Hongki Cha Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Iam Nemo
Ian Moore
Igor Korsukov Muse Group
Iris Ren Hauwei
Isaak Anderson
Jacob Wall J.W. Pepper & Son
Jakob Kyril Meile The Royal Library, Denmark*
James Ingram notator SVG with embedded MIDI data
James Opstad
James Sutton Dolphin Computing Ltd jsutdolph
James Tauber Eldarion jtauber online music theory education; analysis and composition tools; Python libraries
Jan Angermüller JAngermueller Music Font Compatibility
Jan Rosseel SCORA
Janina Sajka
Jared Boria
Jason Freeman Georgia Institute of Technology*
Jawher Matmati
Jean-Christophe Michel Symétrie
Jeff Kellem Slanted Hall
Jeff S.
Jeffrey Treviño nCoda jefftrevino
Jeremy Sawruk jsawruk
Jesse P. Karlsberg Emory University* jpkarlsberg Interested in incorporating music encoding into Readux (github), an environment for annotating digitized books and publishing digital critical editions developed by the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship. I am the editor of a forthcoming proof of concept series of digital critical editions of music books using Readux.
Jessie Schalles silenceonthelam Front-end engineer, euphonium player. I enjoy creating experiments with the web audio and web midi apis, and I'm interested in music theory and notation and their structures.
Jesus Lizardi INFOTEC*
Jim DeLaHunt Keyboard Philharmonic project jdlh The Keyboard Philharmonic project organises music-lovers to revitalise our shared musical heritage, by transcribing public domain music scores of classical and operatic works, into a revisable, reusable, sharable digital form, and making them freely available. MusicXML is our primary target format for the digital scores.
Jim Druckenmiller
Jimmi Thøgersen Key2Know A/S*
Jiyang Chu
Joanna Kao Al Jazeera America*
Joe Berkovitz Risible, LLC joeberkovitz Independent consultant; founder of the web-based notation company Noteflight.
Joe Pearson Avid Technology
Johan Schrooyen
Johannes Feulner scorio GmbH
Johannes Kepper University of Paderborn*
John Gerteisen
John Murdoch Wind Gap Data*
Jonathan Kehl Ultimate Guitar USA, LLC
Jonathan Lancaster
Jonathan Powers
Jonathon Fruin
Jordi Bartolome Hal Leonard
Jörg Hohwiller
Joseph VanderStel Artusi, Inc.
Josh Soref
Joshua Netterfield
João Portela
Juan Hiza
Juan Martinez
Julia Cook Boydell & Brewer
Julius Kanigowski
Justin Tokke Carl Fischer LLC
Jürgen Diet Bavarian State Library*
Kelby Stine
Kentaro Sato
Kenzi Noike knoike I'm the developer of MusicXML to MP3. Interested in description format for musical performance expression.
Kevin Weed Newport-Mesa Unified School District*
Kia Hadipour
Kimberly Brand Hal Leonard / Noteflight
Klaus Rettinghaus Enote GmbH
Knut Nergaard
Ko-Shu Sun
Koen Samyn University College of West Flanders
Kosar Hosseinkhani
Kristina Richts
Lajos Brons
Laurent Pugin RISM Switzerland*
Luc Bonnin
Luca Andrea Ludovico Università degli Studi di Milano
Marc Cerisier Cherry Tree, Inc.
Marc Nongmaithem
Marc Sabatella MuseScore* MarcSabatella music notation formats, interactive educational materials, accessibility issues for visually impaired
Marek Ledvina
Mário Alves
Maristella Feustle University of North Texas*
Mark Ferguson Rookanga Digital LLC
Mark Green MakeMusic Inc.
Mark Johnson
Mark Kahrs
Marko Raina Apotti OY*
Marnix van Berchum The CMME Project marnixvb Early Music and music encoding / music editing
Markus Hübenthal capella-software
Martin Beinicke Soundnotation
Martin Keary MuseScore
Martin Marris Notecraft Services LLC
Martin Möller Gehrmans Musikförlag
Matthew Briggs Webern
Matthew Dougherty
Matthew Vest University of Virginia
Matthias Nowakowski
Matthieu Talbot Freelance consultant MartyLake C++ JUCE audio-plugin developer, UX designer, electronic music composer and live performer.
Michael Dean
Michael Good mdgood The inventor of MusicXML.
Michael Johnson MakeMusic
Michael Koziel
Michael Petychakis National Technical University of Athens
Michael Strauss
Mingjie Xia
Mogens Lundholm mogenslundholm
Mohamed Zeragoui Innovimax
Nathaniel Burns
Nestor Napoles Lopez
Nicolas Froment MuseScore lasconic
Nicolas Martin Arobas Music
Olaf Kosinsky
Olufemi Ogundipe
Paolo Tortiglione Conservatorio G.Verdi di Milano
Pat Muchmore
Patrick Watts LifeWay Christian Resources*
Paul Ely snakebyte69
Paul Hangstein High end music engraving
Paul Lombardi University of South Dakota
Paul Overell
Pavel Studený
Pawel Cyrta
Pedro José Ponce de León University of Alicante*
Perry Roland
Peter Jonas MuseScore
Peter Maund
Peter Saltzman
Peter Stadler University of Paderborn*
Peter Trubinov
Phil Amalong Zenph Inc.*
Philip Rothman NYC Music Services
Philippe Rigaux Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers*
Pierre Mardon SyncSing
Raffaele Viglianti University of Maryland, College Park*
Ralf Mattes
Raúl García Castro Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Razvan Beuran Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology*
Reiner Krämer McGill University*
Reinhold Hoffmann Notation Software Germany
Riaan van Niekerk
Richard Hoadley Anglia Ruskin University
Richard Hotchkiss Passport Music Software
Richard Lanyon Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
Robert Jaret Rob Jaret Music Composer and user of Music Notation Software; Have experience with xml/xsl as a software engineer and would like to help with this effort.
Robert Klugseder Austrian Academy of Sciences*
Robert Piéchaud IRCAM*
Robert Snarrenberg Washington University in St. Louis*
Robin Kidd Yamaha
Robin Walker Queens' College, University of Cambridge*
Roger Firman
Roman Molino Dunn The Music Transcriber
Rosana Lanzelotte Musica Brasilis
Ryan Prince Selvans LLC
Ryo Kajiwara ACCESS CO., LTD.*
Sally Zimmermann Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
Samuel Bradshaw* samuelbradshaw
Scott Jeppesen University of Southern California
Sergey Surikov
Sertan Şentürk Universitat Pompeu Fabra sertansenturk Audio-score alignment in makam music
Seth Shafer University of North Texas*
Sienna M. Wood University of Colorado at Boulder* Musicologist and web developer; interested in digital and web-hosted music editions (scholarly and general), applications for digital notation in education (especially higher ed), MEI
Shishir Rai
Simon Eastwood ABRSM
Simon Perry University of Queensland*
Simon Smith Muse Group
Soya Richard Shigeta
Srinivasa Kishore
? Stardrive Engineering
Stephen Begley
Steve Fiskum
Steve Lee
Steve Murray Music Sales Corporation
Steve Noble University of Louisville* Steve Noble Background in musicology and information accessibility for people with disabilities; have worked on accessibility of mathematics notation through MathML and would like to contribute to the effort to make sure that music notation can similarly be made accessible and utilized by assistive technology software
Steven Morell NiceChart Inc.
Stijn Van Peborgh neoScores
Sven Emtell DoReMIR Music Research
Svetlana Kihn
Taewoong Kim
Taro Tokuhiro AMEI
Ted Cooper
Thanh Le
Thomas Lynn
Thomas Nauman Musicnotes, Inc.
Thomas Weber th-we
Thomas Williams
Thompson Usiyan
Timothy Edwards Columbia College Chicago*
Timothy Laciano
Tom White MIDI Manufacturers Association
Tomislav Novak University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Tony Ward
Travis Haase Alfred Music
Tucker Meyers
Tyler Newton
Urs Liska uliska
Vincent Caers neoScores
Vincent Giersch Flat
Vincent Goudard
Vili Robert Ollila
Walker Boyle
Werner Eickhoff-Maschitzki Notengrafik Werner Eickhoff
Werner Lemberg
Werner J. Wolff Notengrafik Berlin
Wido Weber
Wil Macaulay Quickplay Media
Wilhelm von Hindenburger
William Archer University of Oklahoma
William Clocksin
William Copper
William Ye
Xiaoqian Wu W3C
Xing Fan
Yannick Schetrite
Yilie Wang
Yongzhe Wang
Yos Riady
Zachary Jansheski Muse Group
Zoltan Komives Tido Enterprise GmbH
永来 王
Rhys Gray University of Tasmania* ryceg I am a composer, web developer, and researcher interested in the semiotics of notation and ways to lower the barrier of entry to new music.