Closed Actions

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There are 16 closed actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed release initial use cases and requirements report David Lewis 2014-04-30 use cases & requirements
ACTION-2 (edit) closed Fill the gdocs with the current meta-share items Jorge Gracia 2014-05-22 META-SHARE metadata model
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Send out information on architecture for converting (meta)data into rdf Roberto Navigli 2014-05-22
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Set up doodle poll for call time David Lewis 2014-05-22
ACTION-5 (edit) closed proposal for a license modue Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel 2014-06-19 META-SHARE metadata model
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Send examples related to DCAT use for META-SHARE ontology John McCrae 2014-06-19 META-SHARE metadata model
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Check with w3c groups if there are other approches to represent languages as uris Felix Sasaki 2014-06-19
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Look into isa work related to dcat profiles and report back David Lewis 2014-07-10
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Implement changes in metashare spreadsheet Jorge Gracia 2014-07-10 META-SHARE metadata model
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Identify some external vocabularies to use in ms Jorge Gracia 2014-07-10 META-SHARE metadata model
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Gather info on how to provide more detailed mapping from meta-share to dcat David Lewis 2014-07-24
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Capture list of parameters that may be relevant for a skos classification Penny Labropoulou 2014-08-07
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Update google doc with licenses Penny Labropoulou 2015-01-15
ACTION-14 (edit) closed Send email around about preferences and possibilities for namespace of the model Jorge Gracia 2015-01-15
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Contact john for getting statistics on the use of licenses to select more relevant eamples Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel 2015-01-15
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Send to the list a call for further examples Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel 2015-01-15

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John McCrae <>, David Lewis <>, Elena Montiel Ponsoda <>, Philipp Cimiano <>, Sebastian Hellmann <>, Andreas Blumauer <>, Christian Chiarcos <>, Chairs, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: closed.html,v 1.1 2019/12/03 12:49:59 carcone Exp $