Suggestion Tool for Facility Manager to Re-configure Building for Optimised Energy Consumption

From Linked Building Data Community Group
  • Title: Suggestion Tool for Facility Manager to Re-configure Building for Optimised Energy Consumption
  • Description: This use case aims to provide the FM with suggestions on how to (re)configure building systems to reduce energy consumption. These suggestion are based on rules developed through data mining and predictive energy simulation. To achieve this use case an energy simulation is first created for the building (if not already developed during design). Parallel, data is gathered from all available sensor systems relevant to energy consumption. Data mining is conducted over the sensed data and a rule set is developed in conjunction with the predictive energy simulations (to account for incomplete data from sensors). Next, the dynamic sensor data is provided as parameters to a near-real time controller which based on the rule set, provides suggestions to the FM through a visualisation interface.
  • Data Domain(s): Building Data, Building Devices, Building Control, Building Behavior, Geolocation and Weather, Energy
  • Objectives: Optimise Buildings Energy Efficiency
  • Stakeholders: Facility Manager, Building Owner, Occupant
  • Requirements: A building energy simulation has been created for the building.
  • LD Benefits:
  1. linking of multiple data sources
  • Challenges
  1. Uplifting multiple data sources into LD
  2. Performance issues with very large data sets if uplifted (e.g. sensor data)