Requirement-checking at Building Commissioning Stage

From Linked Building Data Community Group
  • Title: Requirement-checking at Building Commissioning Stage
  • Description: Commissioning tasks (Cx) in the AEC industry aim at testing and verifying to what extent project requirements are met, so that a project can be safely handed over from one partner to the other, guaranteeing operation in terms of performance, reliability, safety and information traceability. In this task, particular subsets of the building that is to be designed and built are typically checked for completeness and consistency (HVAC system, plumbing, electricity nets, fire safety, controls and sensors). At the end, a report is made available of the check and a project handover is prepared.
  • Domain(s): Building Geometry, Building Products, Building Devices, Building Data, Energy (depending on particular subset that is commissioned)
  • Objectives: check available data against formal requirements (rule-checking); output summarizing error report; output files for commissioning
  • Stakeholders: automation engineer, BEMS engineer, HVAC engineer, architect, building owner/facility manager
  • Requirements: data integration, data analysis, performance analysis, user-specific objectives
  • LD benefits:
  1. structured vocabularies allow data integration
  2. logical basis allows inference
  • Challenges:
  1. alignment of data and rules for analysis;