HTTP Client Module/Saxon

From EXPath Community Group

The implementation of HTTP Client for Saxon.

  • Use Apache HTTP Component (HTTP Core and HTTP Client) series 4 for the HTTP layer.
  • Use mime4j for parsing multipart responses.


Theoretically, the SequenceIterator returned by HttpClient.doSendRequest() should allow it to be streamable. For instance to not parse the response content if the user does: http:send-request(...)[1] (that is, if he/she does not actually access the content). See if we can use that...

Setup project

The project in the Http Client module Subversion repository is a NetBeans project. It has the following dependencies:

  • a Java library named apache-commons-httpclient-4.0
  • a Java library named apache-commons-httpcore-4.0
  • a Java library named apache-commons-logging-1.1.1
  • a Java library named apache-commons-codec-1.4
  • a Java library named apache-mime4j-0.6
  • a Java library named tagsoup-1.2
  • a Java library named saxon-he
  • the project pkg-saxon (see instructions on the implementation page)
  • a Java platform named JDK_1.5

For detailed instructions, see setup info in Saxon:Packaging. TagSoup is downloadable from this webpage. For the dependency on the project pkg-saxon, add the following to [trunk-dir]/saxon/zip-saxon/nbproject/private/ (create the file if it does not exist yet, and adapt the following path to the actual location of the project pkg-saxon):



  • Adapt to the latest draft.
  • Create a sequence diagram of a simple but complete request, to have a precise idea of the sequence of events (and when the connection can be released, when the response content should have been read, streamibility opportunities, etc.)