ACTION-132: Bud and Eva will try to come up with partial state-transition diagrams to illustrate the interdependencies of data subject rights by the end of november.
Bud and Eva will try to come up with partial state-transition diagrams to illustrate the interdependencies of data subject rights by the end of november.
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Bud P. Bruegger
- Due on:
- November 30, 2019
- Created on:
- October 15, 2019
- Associated Issue:
- Related emails:
- ACTION-132: data subject rights as state transition diagram (from on 2020-01-07)
- Re: agenda for tomorrow's DPVCG call (from on 2019-10-29)
- [minutes] 2019-10-15 dpvcg (from on 2019-10-15)
- dpvcg-ACTION-132: Try with eva to come up with a proposal to represent gdpr rights by the end of november. (from on 2019-10-15)
Related notes:
[axelpolleres]: this action is tied to ISSUE-3
15 Oct 2019, 14:35:45Display change log.