F2F3 People
Attendees for October Meeting in Lyon
Please add your name in the appropriate place, with details on days/time you can attend, and optionally affiliation, link to bio, etc.
Day 1 (Tuesday) room fits 10, Day 2 (Friday) room fits 15.
- Please state which sessions (1-6) you'll be attending
- Please state which topics (A-Z) you don't want to miss
Attending in person: (You must separately register for TPAC)
- Sandro Hawke - sessions 1 2 3 4 5 6 - no topic preference
- Gregg Kellogg - Tuesday only
- Dan Brickley (for some/all, investigating calendar clashes)
- Vagner Diniz (Tue/Fri, NIC.br)
- Chris Needham - Tuesday AM only?
- Davide Ceolin - Tuesday only
- Reto Gmür (Tue/Fri, factsmission.com)
- Dave Browning
- Pierre-Antoine Champin
- Manu Sporny
- Dmitri Zagidulin
- Tantek Çelik, Mozilla, Tuesday only
Attending as Remote (one or more sessions):
- Annette Greiner
- Scott Yates (CableLabs - Certified Content Coalition)
- An Xiao Mina (Meedan - Credibility Coalition)
- George King (Hacks/Hackers and MisinfoCon)
- Jennifer 8. Lee (Hacks/Hackers - Credibility Coalition)