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Collaborative Software Community Group
The mission of the Collaborative Software Community Group is to provide a forum for experts in collaborative software and groupware for technical discussions, gathering use cases and requirements to align the existing formats, software, platforms, systems and technologies (e.g. wiki technology) with those used by the Open Web Platform. The goal is to ensure that the requirements of collaborative technology and groupware can be answered, when in scope, by the Recommendations published by W3C.
This group is chartered to publish documents when doing so can enhance collaborative technology and groupware. The goal is to cooperate with relevant groups and to publish documents to ensure that the requirements of the collaborative software and groupware community are met.
In order to join the group, you will need a W3C account
City-Scale E-Democracy
2015 AAAI Workshop on AI for Cities
2014 Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities
2014 Workshop on Semantic Cities
2014 Workshop on Inclusive Web Programming – Programming on the Web with Open Data for Societal Applications
2013 Workshop on Semantic Cities
2013 Semantic Smart City Workshop (SemCity-13)
2012 Workshop on Semantic Cities
2011 AI for an Intelligent Planet
MIT City Science
NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress
RMIT Global Cities Research Institute
Warwick Institute for the Science of Cities
New America Foundation
GovLab at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Sunlight Foundation
Knight Foundation
United States Conference of Mayors Technology and Innovation Taskforce
United Nations Cities Programme
United Nations Sustainable Cities
Educational Technology
Scientific and Scholarly Communication
Scientific and Scholarly Communication Tasks