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From Argument Representation Community Group
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Legal Knowledge Interchange Format is a popular format for exchanging legal knowledge. It contains an argument module but is not itself an argument format.

Relevant Goals

Support for its Functionality

 * Goal: Our recommended format should be theoretically able to
   support all the functionality that LKIF's argument module
   * Priority: 20%. Merely nice to have.
   * Status: Haven't assessed the differences yet.

Translation from

 * Goal: Our recommended format should have a standard mapping from the
   LKIF argument module's data format.
   * Priority: 4%. We don't anticipate making that happen.
   * Status: Nothing done.

Translation to

 * Goal: Our recommended format should have a standard partial
   mapping to the LKIF argument module's data format.  A full mapping
   may not be possible or may pose problems.
   * Priority: 4%. We don't anticipate making that happen.
   * Status: Nothing done.