Closed Actions

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There are 15 closed actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Generate "status quo" proposal issues for style and scope Robert Sanderson 2014-10-15
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Post f2f message Frederick Hirsch 2015-02-18
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Request summary of protocols from paolo (domeo) and nick (annotator) Robert Sanderson 2015-02-25
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Add that inferencing is not an important design criterion to data model principles Robert Sanderson 2015-02-25
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Ask luc to propose a solution for #10 / #7 Robert Sanderson 2015-02-25
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Update github issues to avoid repetition Robert Sanderson 2015-02-25
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Should the media type of the target be stated to clarify FragmentSelector availability Benjamin Young 2015-03-11 ISSUE-22
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Documentating use cases Benjamin Young 2015-04-29
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Add offset issue to future agenda item Frederick Hirsch 2015-04-29
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Set up i18n call for june 3 Robert Sanderson 2015-06-03
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Follow up on json-ld resolution Frederick Hirsch 2015-06-17
ACTION-22 (edit) closed Work on roadmap Frederick Hirsch 2015-07-22
ACTION-24 (edit) closed Write user story about discovery Benjamin Young 2015-07-22
ACTION-33 (edit) closed Write up drafty test process document for model, server, and clients Shane McCarron 2016-06-17
ACTION-34 (edit) closed Create stub files... Shane McCarron 2016-07-22

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: closed.html,v 1.1 2017/03/06 14:23:23 carine Exp $