This document summarizes the disposition of comments on the XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.1 Last Call draft of 7 July 2005.
The raw input for this document is the XLink 1.1 Issue Status page which shows all of the email sent to the www-xml-linking-comments list during the last call period.
Of the 44 threads, 12 were closed to the satisfaction of the commenter, 11 were identified as spam, and 21 remain open. The remainder of this document summarizes the status of the open threads.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter has not indicated assent.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter has not indicated assent.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter has not indicated assent.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter is likely to disagree.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter is likely to disagree.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter is likely to disagree.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter has not indicated assent.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter is likely to disagree.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter dissents.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter is likely to disagree.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter is likely to disagree.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter is likely to disagree.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter dissents.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter dissents.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter dissents.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter dissents.
Comment accepted, but commenter never indicated assent.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter has not indicated assent.
Comment was not about the specification.
The Core WG believes it has addressed these concerns, but the commenter has not indicated assent.