XLink 1.1 Issue Status
$Revision: 1.11 $ by $Author: NormanWalsh $ generated from www-xml-linking-comments archive and various other records on $Date: 2006/02/22 14:56:57 $; see Makefile for details
open threads,
closed threads,
spam threads.
Open Threads
- XLink 1.1: Open issues?
- XLink 1.1: Charmod conformance
- XLink 1.1: "markup conformance testing"
- XLink 1.1: "XML document" undefined
- XLink 1.1: xlink:href requirements
- XLink 1.1: XML Base confusion
- XLink 1.1: 5.4 "URI reference" unclear
- XLink 1.1: "URI reference" "checking"
- XLink 1.1: Error handling
- XLink 1.1: Security Considerations
- XLink 1.1: Xlink vs "legacy" linking
- XLink 1.1: Animation
- XLink 1.1: Schema issues
- [xlink11] integration with existing markup
- [xlink11] error handling
- [xlink11] event handling of nested links
- XLink 1.1 WD: Optional type attribute
- SVG WG Last Call review of XLink 1.1
- I just want to use a link! What now?
- Good start - but simplify the system !!!
- XLink 1.1: behaviour of simple links without a show attribute
Closed Threads
- XLink 1.1: Outdated references
- XLink 1.1: RFC 2119 conformance
- XLink 1.1: 5.2 example incorrect
- XLink 1.1: XPointer reference
- XLink 1.1: XLink 1.1 in XML 1.1
- XLink 1.1: http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd import
- XLink 1.1: default xmlns attribute values
- XLink 1.1: Integration with CSS
- [xlink11] integration with CSS
- Base URI of a processing instruction
- Comments from the I18N Core WG on XLink 1.1
- CDF WG comments on XLink 1.1 LC
- Outstanding comments on XLink 1.1
Spam Threads
- ???
- Nj[X
- OK
- Parlis.com
- Te envio la información !!
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- רҵ·Òë China Polyglot
- Awesome Confidence - Newsletter
- Awesome Confidence - Newsletter
- 1,027
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