Example for Checkpoint
2.2, continued.

Slide 27 of 120
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Priority 3: for text.

The reason that safe color choices are a lower priority for text is that most (if not all) browsers that support color let you chose your own foreground and background colors, overriding the page author's choices. In the case of style sheet markup, browsers will let you select your own preferred stylesheet as well. Thus, in general you have some control over font colors. Still, if your page has poor color choices, many visitors will be inconvenienced.

Access note: These examples are intended to show people who can see color the difference between good and bad color choices - Text example 1 shows text with good contrast (black text on white background), while Text example 2 shows bad contrast (light yellow, green and blue text on a greenish-brown background. This example also uses CSS style to format and color the text, so if your browser doesn't support CSS you will see only plain text in both examples. Finally, a two column table is used to position these examples because CSS style sheet positioning doesn't work well across all browsers yet.

Happy face: good choice! Angry face: bad choice!
Text color - Example 1

Product List
      Model 1 - 4 ppm - 2 bin
      Model 2 - 10 ppm - 3 bin

    Ink Jet


Text color - Example 2

Product List
      Model 1 - 4 ppm - 2 bin
      Model 2 - 10 ppm - 3 bin

    Ink Jet


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Chuck Letourneau & Geoff Freed

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Copyright © 2000 W3C