Example for Checkpoint
13.7, continued.

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Microscope: indicates complex searching. Some people need more complex search engines.

For them, provide a search tool that can handle complex Boolean searches, e.g.:

find all documents that contain WORD 1 and WORD 2 but not PHRASE 3 within 100 words of WORD 4 in documents created between DATE 1 and DATE 2

Some search engines allow the user to type the keywords and the logical operators in a script. Some have created a form-like interface where the user enters keywords and selects the operators from collections of radio buttons, check boxes or selection lists.

Both methods require that clear examples be provided to help users determine how best to do their searches. (Remember to design form-based applications that are accessible!)

Another possibility: if someone does not spell well (either because of a learning disability or the language of the search is not their primary language), a spell checker or some sort of choice of words could be provided if an entered word was not found.

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Chuck Letourneau & Geoff Freed

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Copyright © 2000 W3C