Example for Checkpoint
13.6, continued

Slide 105 of 120
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The Guidelines and User Agent Working Groups will soon recommend a "standard" way to use markup to identify groups of related links. Once a method is found, developers of user agents will be able to create browsers that automatically recognize the groups and give the user the option of skipping (or hiding) the links or presenting them normally. One such method is to package related links within the MAP element. Note that links within the MAP element do not have to be image maps (which is what most of us use MAP for).

Navigate the site.
[ Section A | Section B | Section C | Section D ]

The code that produces the above group of links is:

<MAP name="map2">
Navigate the site.<BR>
[ <A href="a.htm">Section A</A> |
<A href="b.htm">Section B</A> |
<A href="c.htm">Section C</A> |
<A href="d.htm">Section D</A> ]

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Chuck Letourneau & Geoff Freed

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Copyright © 2000 W3C